
Friday, September 30, 2011

Bookshelf Showcase #7

BookShelf Show Case is a once a month meme hosted by AwesomeSauce Book Club You can show off your personal book shelf or another book shelf you find really fun or that you love.

February 2011
(I finished all these books! :D Haha well except the ones thats hanging off the shelf)

September 2011
(Yay! Loads of books! :D)

Hows your bookshelf looking this month?


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blog Tour: Book Excerpt/Giveaway After all is said and done by Belinda G. Buchanan

Please welcome Belinda to Unputdownable Books! Its an honor to have you here. Thank you as well for allowing me to post up an excerpt from your book.  


Nobody wakes up one morning and decides that today is the day they are going to cheat on their spouse. When the opportunity presents itself however, it is ultimately a choice. And that choice, whether good or bad, can have irrevocable consequences.

Ethan and Jessica Harrington are doctors who work alongside fellow doctors Gavin and Sarah Williams. After Jessica has an affair with Gavin, their lives are thrown into turmoil as they deal with the aftermath and subsequent fallout.

For the better part of a year the four of them have been working to piece their marriages back together. Sarah and Gavin are still reeling from a devastating miscarriage, while Jessica and Ethan are hesitantly looking forward to the birth of their first child.

Sarah’s hopes are immediately shattered when she learns how far Gavin’s infidelity has gone. Suddenly thrown into an unwanted independence she fights to find her way.

Jessica struggles to repair her marriage to Ethan as they become parents. But when Ethan, a borderline alcoholic, learns a dark secret, his world steadily begins to crumble. His drinking, fueled by this discovery slowly engulfs him. Jessica’s love for him is only matched by her fear of his temper. With his marriage now in pieces and his sanity questionable, Ethan struggles to come to terms with his alcoholism and face his past.

Theirs is a story of the tremendous amount of love some people have for one another, regardless of the pain that is sometimes inflicted.

Book Excerpt: 

Ethan folded the last of his father's clothes and tucked them inside a box. He carried it downstairs and placed them with the other boxes by the door. The landlord had told him that he would take them to the homeless shelter for him if he would pack them up.

He went back upstairs to the bathroom and opened up the medicine chest over the sink. He took out a small bottle. It was a prescription for high blood pressure. He slipped the medicine into his pocket. He would give them to a patient at the clinic who couldn't afford the prescription.

Back in the bedroom, he knelt down and opened the drawers to the nightstand. The top drawer contained some old business papers and statistics. He tossed them in a box that was to be thrown away. He opened the bottom drawer expecting to find more of the same. Instead, he found a small box. He opened it to find several items, but a small Polaroid was what caught his attention.

Ethan sat down on the bed as he studied the picture of him and his sister. He couldn't help smiling. He looked to be only five or six and Renee must have been about two. She was in pigtails and wearing a cowgirl skirt with fringe on the bottom. He was dressed as a cowboy. He had on a pair of red boots and a big black hat that completely engulfed his head. He was peering out from under the brim grinning broadly at the camera. Renee's grin matched his own as they stood arm in arm. He sighed. It was true what they said about the innocence of youth.

Over the past two years, he had noticed a change in his sister’s behavior towards him. He suspected that she was jealous over the fact that their father had moved here. She never had any reason to be though as he kept his distance from him. Other than the monthly board meetings and an occasional dinner set up by Jessica, he rarely saw him.

Renee had become particularly aggressive towards Jessica. She took every opportunity to throw her affair in his face, making it difficult for him to get past it. He laid the picture back in the box and snapped it shut.

He sat down on the bed and looked around. The bedroom was sparse with no pictures on the wall. It seemed to fit his father’s personality. Everything his father ever did was for a reason. He never stood on ceremony or talked just for the sake of having a conversation. When he did speak, his tone was usually serious.

He closed his eyes remembering one day in particular his father taking him aside after a board meeting at the hospital.

“How are things going between you and Jessica?”

Ethan sighed inwardly. He knew his father was aware of her affair with Gavin, as was most everyone at the hospital. But he had never said one word to him about it. “They’re fine,” he answered.

His father looked at him long and hard for a moment. “You can hide your feelings from most people. But I can see by looking at you that things aren’t fine.”

Ethan sat down in the chair. It had been a few months since they had reconciled, but he found himself unable to forgive her. He was thinking about divorcing her. But things had just become more complicated as last night she had told him that she was pregnant. A baby was the last thing they needed right now. How could they raise a child together if he couldn’t stand being in the same room with her?

Everett could see how much he was struggling. He suddenly leaned forward and put his hand on his shoulder. “Son, do you love her?”

He nodded his head. “Yes,” he whispered.

“Then you do everything you can to make it work. Because nothing else matters. You have to go with your heart.”

Ethan opened his eyes. He was ever so grateful to his father for speaking those few words. At the time, it had all seemed so hopeless. But in reality, it was such a simple decision. It was a decision that he did not regret. He was very much in love with her, and now he had a family.

Authors Note: I hope this is enough to pique your interest to check out my book. 

It is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords 

Thank you Naj for allowing me the opportunity to be a guest here on Unputdownable Books and thanks to Liz of CBLS Promotions.

Comment with your email address to be entered in the giveaway for After All Is Said And Done. 
The winner will be selected at random after the tour is over. 

Author Bio:
I have been happily married to my husband for over 21 years now. I have two great sons, two persnickety cats, and 1 unconditionally loving dog who thinks he’s a person. I am currently working on my second novel, The Monster of Silver Creek, which is due out in December. The follow up book to After All Is Said And Done will be published in 2012.

Author Links: 

Buy Links:

Goodluck and Enjoy! :D

Monday, September 26, 2011

Review: Voodoo Dues (Lian & Figgs #1) by Stephany Simmons

Title: Voodoo Dues (Lian & Figgs #1)
Author: Stephany Simmons
Started: 25/9/2011
Finished: 26/9/2011
Goodreads | Review List

Goodreads Summary: 

From the beginning of Figg’s employment, there is something not quite right about the bar. There are few customers, a parade of neighborhood psychics and pentacle adorned visitors, all coming to hold court with her enigmatic boss. Figg is not sure what is going on, but she is determined to find out!
When the local voodoo queen shows up, and the next morning her grandson ends up dead outside the bar things get interesting.

Figg pesters Lian into telling her the truth about his former life, and is thrust into a world where the things that go bump in the night are real. There’s a murder to solve, zombies to lay to rest and a villain that neither of them saw coming.


One thing I love in my eBooks is it being short, entertaining, funny and excessively easy to read. If an eBook has all those qualities its an eBook I actually enjoyed and is worth my time. Reading eBooks give me a headache and makes me sleepy to the point where I can't read the book properly and all I'm doing is trying to rush my way to finish the book. Yes, this has happened to me many times.

But Voodoo Dues is not one of those bad rushed books. Its the one I found humorous, enjoyable and easy to read. The main characters Lian and Figg are realistic and perfectly written. I loved how Lian was a loner and sort of troubled while Figg is there to liven his Lians life up with her spunkiness and sense-of-humor. I couldn't help but laugh at how Figgs reacts to things. If she were real. I'm sure I'd probably get a long with her.

The scenario and plot was well written and sort of reminded me of the Anita Blake series because it was the only other (besides The Summoning, etc in YA) book that I read that had zombies and necromancers and the constant intros of new characters was a plus too though it could be really confusing and hard to keep up in the beginning but I'm slowly trying to get used to.

Stephany Simmons wrote a fabulous short action-packed read that made me laugh and swoon all in one paragraph. I'm looking forward for more of the stern engaged duo that is Lian and Figg. Definite unputdownable book!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

In My Mailbox #26

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post all books we have received where in the mail, bought or got from the library.

Books Got:
Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead
Succubus on Top by Richelle Mead
First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost
Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost
Signed The Apocalypse Gene by Suki Michelle & Carlyle Clark + Bracelet and Bookmark!
The Enders Game Box Set by Orson Scott Card
Lost Voices by Sara Porter
Falling Under by Gwen Hayes
Bridget Jones Dairy by Helen Fielding

Got these a couple of hours later and a day later:
One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost
The Science of Sexy by Bradley Bayou

What did you get in your In My Mailbox? Let me know with a comment below!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Review: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Title: Anna and the French Kiss
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Started: 19/9/2011
Finished: 21/9/2011
Goodreads | Review List | Book Depository

Goodreads Synopsis:

Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris - until she meets Etienne St. Clair: perfect, Parisian (and English and American, which makes for a swoon-worthy accent), and utterly irresistible. The only problem is that he's taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her almost-relationship back home.

As winter melts into spring, will a year of romantic near - misses end with the French kiss Anna - and readers - have long awaited?


Have you ever felt that fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach when someone special walks through the door or the feeling of your heart pounding in your chest when this special someone speaks? You’ll have that feeling within every few pages you read. You can’t help but fall in love with this novel.

Every aspect of the book was real right down to each vibrant character. It was detailed so well that it gives the reader a one-way ticket to France and the only way they’ll leave is when they put the book down and on top of that I don’t think you’d one to.

The story follows Anna as she is sent to France by her writer dad to finish her senior year in high school. As things escalate Anna falls for her best friend who is taken and the readers find themselves feeling everything she is from the denial of her feelings for him to her acceptance of it. She is a character that makes the reader feel like someone you really know. She’s ambitious, determined and extremely knowledgeable when it comes to movies that the reader actually learns a few things from her.

Every event in the leads to another and is everything that happens in a teenage girls life. The drama, the fights with her friends, the feuds with the family, and the love that's shared between family, friends and friends you’d like to have as lovers. Every emotion and happening is perfectly described and illustrated.

The book was extremely easy to read and the moment I began the book I was already laughing out loud and you’ve got to hand it to the author for being able to write something that hooks you into the story right from the start.

Anna and the French Kiss is by far the best teen romance book I’ve ever read. Stephanie Perkin’s is the modern Jane Austen. I tip my hat to her excellence!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

On My Wishlist #25

On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It's where I list all the books I desperately want but haven't actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. It's also an event that you can join in with too - Mr Linky is always at the ready for you to link your own 'On My Wishlist' post. If you want to know more click HERE.

Whats on your wishlist?


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Review: Die For Me by Amy Plum

Title: Die For Me
Author: Amy Plum
Started: 13/9/2011
Finished: 14/9/2011
Goodreads | Review List

Die For Me is the debut novel of a wonderful new writer named Amy Plum. The book was focused on the main character Kate who, with her sister, moved to Paris to stay with their grandparents after their parents death in a tragic accident. It isn't easy moving to a whole new place and leaving behind all her memories and her home. And Kate uses the world of books as a means to escape from her pain that she has to go through due to the loss of her parents. Slowly, she begins to get out more and read out in a cafe where a mysterious young man catches her attention and destroys whatever boundaries she put up with just one smile.

As Kate finds her self in a deep ditch of overwhelming yearning for this mysterious boy she finds out he isn't as he really seems. His destiny unravels itself in front of her and is she going to let this scare her away so she wouldn't feel the same loss she once did with her parents over and over again? Or would she risk her own life for her love?

Die For Me directly pulled me into its pages of beautiful text and descriptions. The described scenario itself blew you away. I found it incredibly easy to connect with the main character Kate as she and I have the same habits when it comes to books. She wasn't the overwhelmed kind unless in moments when you can't help but feel overwhelmed. She's got a strong will and I admire her for what she's willing to do for anyone she loves even if it means heart-break and excruciating pain.

Vincent as well held his part as the mysterious one. I have no complaints in his character. The secondary characters as well all held their best qualities and there too I have no complaints.

The story itself was original and very captivating. It was an entirely new scenario for me. Modern Paris the City of Love and Lights! It was amazing to read about all the places Plum described. It makes the reader feel as if she/he is really there.

Die For Me is a stunning read with beautiful poetic writing from Amy Plum and an amazing plot that remains hers alone so far. A wonderful Debut for a wonderful writer!

I also named one of my illustrations after this. Well sort of. :D  Revenant.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Review: According to Plan by Madison J. Edwards

Title: According to Plan
Author: Madison J. Edwards
Started: 12/9/2011
Finished: 12/9/2011
Goodreads | Review List

Goodreads Synopsis:

What do you do when things don’t go According to Plan? For starters, you trick, deceive, and lie to the very person who ruined your best laid plans.

Welcome to the world of Shelby Stewart, P.I., who’s been hired to find Harrison Grant. To complicate matters further, her ex-partner, ex-lover, ex-everything Tank shows up looking for Harrison as well, albeit for a very different reason. Harry is the prime suspect in the grisly murder of a call girl, Lulu, in L.A.

That wouldn’t be so bad, but Tank plans on staying at Shelby’s house, and makes it obvious he’s quite willing to help her heat the sheets, again. Shelby knows that sex with Tank is dangerous, fast, and sometimes a little dirty. Now is not the time to become side-tracked. Besides, this job could launch her company into a whole new stratosphere, so it’s imperative she remain focused.

Frustration becomes Shelby’s newest partner as she makes plans to out maneuver Tank in their parallel quest. Tank, on the other hand, is always one step ahead of the game—and is not what, or who, Shelby thought.


I've always wanted to read a book like this. But I wanted it to be the paranormal kind. But that didn't bother me much. I should seriously take more time to read about real people with normal capabilities.

According to Plan is a vowed fun read with its steamy scenes, touching moments, slight mystery and loads of action. The plot wasn't as strong as it should but it still held its own strength and was entirely enough to keep you entertained. The characters instantly warmed up to me immediately after the book started and Tank was my ultimate favorite. Hes the hottie you just want to be with and I love how sensitive he is. It makes me fawn and swoon and go awwwwwwwwwwwwwh!

A sizzling, fun, action-packed book with inseparable characters and an unputdownable writing style from Madison J. Edwards. I literally did not put it down. 4 hours is all it took and I was done with the book. :D



Sunday, September 11, 2011

Review: Bloodlines (Bloodlines #1) by Richelle Mead

Title: Bloodlines (Bloodlines #1)
Author: Richelle Mead
Started: 9/9/2011
Finished: 11/9/2011
Goodreads | Review List

Goodreads Synopsis:

The first book in Richelle Mead's brand-new teen fiction series - set in the same world as Vampire Academy.

When alchemist Sydney is ordered into hiding to protect the life of Moroi princess Jill Dragomir, the last place she expects to be sent is a human private school in Palm Springs, California. But at their new school, the drama is only just beginning.

Populated with new faces as well as familiar ones, Bloodlines explores all the friendship, romance, battles and betrayals that made the #1 New York Times bestselling Vampire Academy series so addictive - this time in a part-vampire, part-human setting where the stakes are even higher and everyone's out for blood.


The long awaited spinn-off of Richelle Mead's successful series "Vampire Academy" is finally here and has finally planted itself within my grasp.

Unlike many other readers I remained impassive to what the book would be like and never expected it would be as great as Vampire Academy. And I was right to do so. I began to like the book for itself and not because it was related excessively to the VA series.

Bloodlines is the first of possible many more books to come that begins the story of young Alchemist Sydney and her journey to keeping a princess alive from any possible attack by being uncover far away from the princess' and Sydney's home.

Sydney is sometimes uptight, organized and very responsible of everything around her. I immediately connected with her when the book started and all the way to the end. She was very well written and portrayed and I enjoyed reading everything she goes through and how uncomfortable she is around Vampires. The book had characters that balanced the story out. The right number of bad guys and the right number of good guys and neither side was exaggerated which adds extra points into the story.

The story-line took me by surprised with its little plot twist here and little plot twist there. It was engrossing enough but didn't hold an exaggerated piece of the "wow" factor. What really made up for the less wow factor was the overall mysteries that Sydney had to figure out and the action at the end and every bit of the amazing descriptions Mead wrote from page one onwards. I'm looking forward to reading more from the series soon!


In My Mailbox #25

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post all books we have received where in the mail, bought or got from the library.

Last IMM I didn't get paperbacks but this time I did and its sooo exciting. :D Especially the Graphic Novel which I finished in an hour. :D 

Books Got: 

Bloodlines by Richelle Mean (I'm Reviewing this after I'm done with this post)
The Dead Girls' Dance by Rachel Caine
Burnt Offerings by Laurell K. Hamilton
Blue Moon by Laurell K. Hamilton
Obsidian Butterfly by Laurell K. Hamilton
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs

E-Books I got for Review:

Raven by Nuayma Jeggels

Leave your links to your "In My Mailbox"'s and I'll be more than happy to comment. :D 


Here's something completely out of the post that I'd like to show you guys:

A Panorama picture of all the paranormal books I recently got except maybe 5 other books.
Cool right? I'm eternally grateful for all this!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

On My Wishlist #24

On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It's where I list all the books I desperately want but haven't actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. It's also an event that you can join in with too - Mr Linky is always at the ready for you to link your own 'On My Wishlist' post. If you want to know more click HERE.

On my wish list this week:

Whats on your OMW? 
