
Monday, December 31, 2012



I know, I've been really MIA recently. But I promise, once my business is up and afloat, I'll be back in full force! For now, let me share some of my book blogs 2012 accomplishments:

In 2012:
  • I finished 102 Books
  • My book blog hit 2 years old
  • My book blog hit 400 followers
  • I changed my book blog layout
  • Joined my first readathon
In 2013:
  • I will be more active
  • Join more bookish activities
  • Finish another 100 books 
  • Do more giveaways

In honor of hitting 400 followers, 2 years and new years. I give you a big giveaway! Where I will be giving away $30 worth of books from the book depository. :) ENJOY!

You can get any of these books and more! 

Unputdownable Books New Years Giveaway!
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Unputdownable Books New Years Giveaway!"><img src="" alt="Unputdownable Books New Years Giveaway!" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Cover Reveal: Free Souls by Susan Kaye Quinn

Free Souls by Susan Kaye Quinn
(Book Three of the Mindjack Trilogy) Now Available!
When your mind is a weapon, freedom comes at a price.

Four months have passed since Kira left home to join Julian's Jacker Freedom Alliance, but the hole in her heart still whistles empty where her boyfriend Raf used to be. She fills it with weapons training, JFA patrols, and an obsessive hunt for FBI agent Kestrel, ignoring Julian's worries about her safety and repeated attempts to recruit her for his revolutionary chat-casts. When anti-jacker politician Vellus surrounds Jackertown with the National Guard, Kira discovers there's more to Julian's concerns than she knew, but she's forced to take on a mission that neither want and that might be her last: assassinating Senator Vellus before he can snuff out Julian's revolution and the jackers she's come to love.
All Mindjack stories available on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, and iTunes (Note Free Souls is not yet available on iTunes)
Early Praise for Free Souls
“Quinn paints a picture of a not-too-distant America where politicians inflame the hatred of one section of the populace for another-all for their own gain-and you worry that her world is not so far off from our own.”
- Dianne Salerni, author of We Hear the Dead, The Caged Graves, and the forthcoming The Eighth Day
"Free Souls starts with a bang and doesn't let up. Like a mash-up of all your favorite science-fiction adventures from Star Wars to The Legend of Korra, it blends nonstop action, nail-biting escapes, and great romance. I absolutely loved it! A great series conclusion-a must-read."
- Leigh Talbert Moore, author of Rouge and The Truth About Faking
“Susan did it again. Free Souls was WOW! I expected Kira to step up to her role as heroine but not like this. Surprises kept coming until the very end which tied up more loose ends than I knew existed. Warning: Don't start reading until you have time to finish. I didn't want to put Free Souls down for a second. It's that kind of book.”
- Sher A. Hart, Goodreads Review
Interview Susan's over at Amy Saunder's blog today (12.14.12), answering questions about how she came up with the mages' abilities, what kind of mage she would be, and all about her future works. Digital Box Set Since Free Souls is out, there is now a Digital Box Set of the Mindjack Trilogy for those of you who want the whole series!
Available on AmazonBarnes&Noble

Mindjack Origins Collection Want more Julian? Wondering how Sasha's ability really works? Looking for EXCLUSIVE DELETED SCENES from Free Souls? This collection of novellas, scenes, and other goodies is for those craving a bit more of the characters and drama of the Mindjack series.

Includes: Mindjack Novellas Mind Games (Raf's story) The Handler (Julian's story) The Scribe (Sasha's story) TWO EXCLUSIVE DELETED SCENES from Free Souls (published nowhere else!) PLUS Mindjack flash fiction, an (imaginary) conversation between Raf and Julian, and other goodies for readers who want just a little bit more of Kira, Julian, Raf, and the Mindjack crew.
Available on AmazonBarnes&Noble
ENTER TO WIN one of FIVE ecopies of the Mindjack Origins Collection
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Merry Christmas Everyone!  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Giveaway + Review: Savagery by Emma MacKenzie

 (Click image to add to your to be read pile)
Title: Savagery
Author: Emma McKenzie
Genre: Erotic Romance, Erotica
Format: eBook from Author
Buy: Savagery - An Erotic Romance

In 10th century France, 18-year old Cherine Cadet only knows one thing: that the life of a peasant isn’t a life at all. Tired of working in utter poverty for an unfeeling Lord, with only her indifferent family and love-struck best friend as company, Cherine dreams of the day she can run away from the future set-up for her, even if she knows there’s no real escape from her destiny.

Then, in one brutal instance, everything changes. A Viking fleet led by the powerful nobleman and warrior, Rolf the Walker and his right-hand man, Erik the Axe, arrive on the shores of the Lord’s estate. In minutes, the entire land is up in flames, Cherine’s family and fellow serfs are killed, and Cherine comes dangerously close to death herself. She is saved only by the fierce Erik – but a new lease on life comes with a cost.

Cherine becomes a slave to the Vikings, a fate she thinks is no better than the one she had before. But as she finds herself being shared between the two men, the savage and darkly handsome Rolf and the mysterious and sensual Erik, Cherine discovers that she too has a fiery warrior heart and that the flames that consumed her old life might burn them all to the ground.

Savagery is the BEST kind of erotica. Nothing is better than mixing sex, sex and more sex with actual plot and romance. What's even better is the fact that it was very realistic and to top that is the fact that we've got hot vikings! very... hot... vikings...

I enjoyed the characters. Erik and Knut mostly. I rarely feel attached to the female protagonists now-a-days. I think I'm over thinking their characters a bit (ya think?). Erik is brutality gone soft and watching Cherine quicken the process makes me smile and giggle. Who doesn't want to tame a hottie like that? It has always been a dream of mine (that I have accomplished - BOOYA). Knut, though not a major character, I still loved him and his mysteriousness (spin-off please?). NOW Rolf... gee willickers... that man scared me so much - no - he STILL scares me. The way Emma described how large and handsome he is. His look doesn't matter to me, he's height and largeness seriously creeped me out. I'm a small person, so I'm allowed to be afraid of abnormally large people. *cowers in a corner* 

The plot on the other hand moves from fast to relatively moderate to fast again. That means : THERE IS NO ROOM FOR BOREDOM! *does a happy dance* If I didn't have exams when I started reading this I would have finished this in one sitting (yes, it was that page-turning). Of course, the wonderful steamy and oh so hot scenes. Loved it! Though... not all of it. Rolf seriously creeps me out. *shivers*

To compensate for Rolf's creepiness, the romance was absolutely beautiful *tears up*. I'm so glad Emma ended this with an Epilogue. I don't know what I would do if I didn't know what happened next when the book ended.

Savagery is awesome, sexy and extremely steamy! A brilliant mix of erotica, romance, depth and hot viking men and a french woman. An awesome start for Emma MacKenzie's erotica writing career ;)

Author Bio:

Though she tries hard to hide it, Emma MacKenzie got her start in writing by penning cheesy romantic comedy screenplays. Despite having seven published novels under her garter belt, this is her first foray into erotic romance. Considering how big of a pervert she is, it probably won’t be her last.

She is a fan of red hair, stuffed animals, nori seaweed, and coffee, as well as things she used to hate as a child, including beer, naps and being spanked. When she’s not trying to tone down her purple prose, you can find her nose-deep in a book.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Need I say more?


Sunday, December 23, 2012

ARC Review: Falling From Eternity by Megan Duncan

Megan Duncan YA Author 
 I'm super excited for this tour! For one, I designed the Book Cover and I'm a big fan of Megan and all her books. I decided not to host a giveaway or do a dream cast because I don't have the time to market it much or look for images of my favs for William and Autumn. So for now, lets do the review instead! :)

Oh yea! Megan is having a BIG giveaway that includes 5 eBook copies of Falling From Eternity and a FFE keychain!! Now, join that and win here:

(Click image to add to your to be read pile) 
Title: Falling From Eternity
Author: Megan Duncan
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Format: eBook from Author 

 For William, life was as wicked and malicious as the beast he was trying destroy. Decades spent living a life of extravagance, domination and ravenous hunger haunted him. But when you live forever, the past never stays buried. And that which wishes to control you, will never let you go. William thought he found his escape, his one and only love, but the thing he fears the most could be the only thing that saves them. Or, it could doom them all.

I've read all of Megan's work and I loved each and every one of them and this one was no different. She took a romance almost like something Nora Roberts or Nicholas Sparks would write and added in a Vampire, which became the almost perfect combination.

As usual Megan's writing is awesome, my only issue is with William. I'm not sure if his character is intentional but he was irritating the way he acted throughout the book. I loved Autumn and all the minor characters (Not Ming, I hated him). William at first was bearable. He was a free vampire with no purpose. But along the way he started reminding me of a woman. I'm not sure if it's because of the way he spoke or thought but he just did! Well, on the bright side, he is good looking.

The plot was good and simple for such a short book and I feel as the series goes on, the depth of it will start to grow and exist. But I'm feel refreshed and I thoroughly enjoyed reading such a sad romance. I cried several times too. I just couldn't help myself.

To sum it all up, though the book was short and found William a tad bit annoying, I loved the writing, the simplicity of the plot and most of all the factor that makes you tear up!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Book Trailer Release: GRAVELY INANIMATED by Esther Wheelmaker


What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below? 

Extra, extra, read all about it: Zombies Invade London!

It has been thirty years since the Voodoo Queen plagued England with the zombie disease that has since swept the world. Humans have had to learn to function around them while the dead kill innocent people. The government continues its efforts to try to contain and find a cure for the problem.

However, by the cover of night, a man who was born half zombie and half human known only as Aeron, roams the streets in search of protecting the upright citizens from the flesh eating creatures. One foggy evening Lucille Knight becomes one of these people, Aeron’s interest is instantly peeked. A woman who gets upset with him for saving her life? What is wrong with her?

But Aeron will have a little competition when Miss. Knight meets Lord Garrett Ashdown, the son of Earl Thomas or a man better known as: The Inventor. A man who builds automatons for the direct purpose of killing zombies; mysteriously understanding their blood and the way they sense humans.

Lucy is taken by the masked man known as Aeron and the equally mysterious Lord Garrett. With one concealing his true identity and the other hiding a ghastly secret, she doesn’t know which one is less dangerous. What secrets do Aeron and Garrett keep from Lucy? Will Miss. Knight be able to be with the man she chooses when she learns the awful truth?

It is still unclear. And the current edition isn’t spilling the beans just yet…

Author Bio:

My name is Esther Wheelmaker and I am the author of the upcoming series, Zombiepunk. For now my background is going to be my little secret. However, at times I may let little bits out here and there.
Let’s face it…everyone likes a girl with alittle mystery.
Every Monday you will find me here speaking about the zombiepunk books and what’s going on in my world of writing. Some will be informative and some will be me bragging.
On Wednesdays I will be updating you on Steampunk music, movies and events. Then on Friday you will get all the juicy gossip on the London elite; the people in the zombiepunk books. It’s going to be a good time had by all.

Hugs and Corsets,

Please mention the pre-buy option that they can use at (right hand side).
Along with the “like” page on FB:
The author page on FB: 
And Twitter:


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Guestpost : The Sky's the Limit When It Comes To Love In The Future by Sasha Summers

This is so late! I didn't have time to put this up when I got the guestpost on the 12th. Sorry guys! Both me and Sasha have been swamped!

The Sky’s the Limit When It Comes To Love In The Future

by Sasha Summers

Raise your hand if you can remember Leia’s first kiss with Han (not her kiss with Luke. Nobody mention that. I mean, seriously—here we are decades later, and the idea of it still squicks me out *shudder shudder*).

Another early sci-fi movie moment that made my heart pause was the “reveal” scene between The Terminator’s Kyle Reece and Sarah Connor. Just how hot was that? I’ll never forget when Kyle admits he volunteered for the mission to go back in time to save her life. The raw note of longing in Kyle’s tone when he told Sarah he loved her, that’d he’d loved her for years, that he’d been happy to go back in time just for her—oh, man. That did it. I was lost. Sci-fi romance had my heart for all time.

It was also the birth of a realization. If a love story is told in just the right way, it can make even the most mind-bogglingly alien backdrop 100% believable. A handsome, intergalactic pirate hiding out on Earth, doing his best to blend in with the natives? Absolutely. As long as there’s love, I’ll believe it. Two warring peoples finding everlasting peace by creating a new, integrated society on an undeveloped planet light-years away? If their respective leaders find they’re soul mates, I’m a blubbering mess of unmitigated joy. Love conquers all…even the limits of reality.

Math might be the official universal language that intelligent alien life would understand, but I’d like to make an argument for love. In the sci-fi holiday anthology, A GALACTIC HOLIDAY, my antho sisters and I weave tales of science fiction that touch upon interplanetary political intrigue, a far-off frozen outpost on the edge of space and an earthbound tech-based society filled with cyborgs and androids. Different facets of the science fiction genre, to be sure, but there’s a common thread tying them together, and that thread is love.

No matter what planet you’re from, there’s a universal understanding of that moment—the moment when the first blush of love blooms on the horizon. It’s there when Leo takes off his cold-weather gear and Riley sees him for the first time in Sasha Summers’s GALILEO’S HOLIDAY, and he’s so painfully beautiful to her lonely eyes she can hardly look at him. In Anna Hackett’s WINTER FUSION, we recognize what’s happening when the hero Savan can’t quite stand it when the lovely Brinn’s skin is marred by a scrape after saving her from a violent explosion. And in my novella, HOW THE GLITCH SAVED CHRISTMAS, a glimpse of that moment appears when the hero, Edison, watches his soon-to-be-love Reina place her mouth over the imprint of his while drinking from the same glass.

These are mere hints of the life-altering magic that is to come. But everyone who’s been in love can instantly relate to what’s happening, and that’s why romance in science fiction will always be insanely popular, as the most recent sci-fi blockbuster movie, Avatar, proves. No matter how alien or fantastic a sci-fi tale might be, fusing it with passionate love grounds it and makes it instantly relatable. That’s why I say love is the universal language—to the farthest reaches of --> space and back, love makes itself understood by every person willing to open their hearts and let it in.


For a closer look at the novellas in A GALACTIC HOLIDAY, enjoy these blurbs!

WINTER FUSION, by Anna Hackett:

Ex-space marine Savan Bardan survived the Galactic Wars to become the most ruthless trade negotiator in the galaxy. His planet needs energy to survive, and he'll do anything to close the deal for the Perman fusion crystals that can provide it—even if it means seducing his beautiful, infuriating opponent, a rival icier than her planet.

Perma's top negotiator, Brinn Fjord, lost her father when Savan delayed her planet's Trade Guild membership years ago. She hates the handsome Rendarian and the planet he represents. She's determined to finish the deal and get rid of him as quickly as possible, so she can celebrate the holidays.

But soon the rival negotiators are in a fight for their lives. Besieged by mysterious accidents and unforgiving weather, Brinn and Savan have no one to depend on but each other. As they put the past aside, they uncover a desire hot enough to melt ice, and Brinn discovers a secret that may keep them apart.

28,000 words

GALILEO’S HOLIDAY, by Sasha Summers:

Ice miner Riley works alone in the depths of space, and that's the way she likes it. She's proud of her independence, and when her ship gets destroyed by raiders on the icy surface of Galileo, she's not sure she wants to rely on rakish trader Leo and the kindness of a band of settlers to survive.

Despite her attempts to keep her distance, it's not long before Riley warms to the family atmosphere of the settlers' station. As Galileo's Holiday approaches and she develops feelings for the handsome, charming Leo, she questions whether she really wants to remain alone.

But Leo is hiding cargo the raiders want, and when they come back for it, everyone on the small station is in danger. Riley will risk anything to protect her new friends—because if the raiders succeed, the choice between Leo and a life alone won't be Riley's to make.

23,000 words


Reina Vedette chose principle over position when the Chicago police department ordered her to accept performance-enhancing body modifications or lose her rank. Demoted to a level one detective, Reina's stuck chasing a bizarre, Grinch-in-reverse break-in case with fiery bod-mod enthusiast and level five top detective Edison Wicke.

Wicke has had his eye on Reina for ages, and as the two of them hunt down the benevolent burglar, they take turns warming each other with body heat in the subzero Chicago winter. Despite professional friction and their opposing views on bod-modding, Reina soon has to admit that she and Wicke are perfect for each other.

But when they track down their philanthropic quarry on Christmas Day, an unexpected glitch in a homemade android brings out Reina's emotional side, and she and Wicke must decide whether love between a Neo-Luddite and a "walking toaster" is a gift that either of them can give.

34,000 words

Contest Code

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A GALACTIC HOLIDAYCarina Press | Amazon | B&N | All Romance
Anna HackettWebsite | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
Stacy Gail Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
Sasha SummersWebsite | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Enjoy the giveaway!

Review: Always Me by Kelly Riad


(Click image to add to your to be read pile)
Title: Always Me
Author: Kelly Riad
Genre: Young Adult: Paranormal, Retellings, Paranormal Romance
Format: eBook from Author
Buy: Amazon

By the summer, Tatiana “Nicky” Roman must learn to trust Xander Day if she’s ever going to discover the origin of her violent hallucinations. But centuries of being repeatedly murdered by him on July 17th are a little hard to forgive.

Over four hundred years ago, Xander thought the holy man’s prophetic words were as crazy as his eyes—that Alexander and Tatiana were destined to be together forever. But Xander misunderstood the mystic. He knows now forever meant forever taking the other’s life. If they never break the bloody curse holding them prisoners of fate, there will be only one outcome: death.

It's amazing how the books you put off for awhile are the books that end up being the really great ones you nearly did not read at all. Always Me is one of those wonderful books that tend to get neglected.

This is a brilliant book that takes an old tale that is modernized with a paranormal twist to it. Though, I'm a little taken aback by paranormal books now-a-days. Always Me, makes me want to get back into it.

The main character Nicky is your average teen born into a rich family, with high standards and a proper decorum. One thing that makes Nicky not so average is her nightmares. She's been having them almost every night since she could remember. Now, our job as a reader is to guess why she's having these dreams and if the dreams are fragments of a memory or just some random hallucinations.

Nicky is a little bit irritating, she made me go "Come on, Nicky!" a couple of times. But hey! All main characters were written for the purpose of annoying their readers. Well, most of the time.

Xander, Nicky's love interest, is an okay character. I enjoyed reading about him a lot more than Nicky. He was just a mysterious cookie you'd like to find out a lot more about. But along the way, he started to scare me. And together with the main character, you started doubting every character in the book. That's a technique writers love putting into books, to keep a reader reading. It has definitely made me turn it's virtual pages until I reached the end.

The storyline is very intriguing. You can't help but continuously wander what will happen next and why certain things are happening. Oddly enough the plot reminded me a lot of the Fallen Series but at a whole different caliber (Always Me is better). The best part of the book and its plot is the fact that it was very fast paced and doesn't waste time with useless information and details. It's straightforward and it makes the book even more of an amazing read.

Always Me is hands down a page turner! And it's on a subject in history that I absolutely love. I can't get enough of stories like these and to be frank, I'm extremely sad that it had to end the way it did. But hey! All the great stories end with a BAM that leaves you asking yourself - Why?.

Always Me is a wonderful read about romance, friendship, and trust that is all centered around a unique plot, realistic characters and overall, excitement filled pages. An exceptional start to Kelly Riad's career as an Indie Author. I'm looking forward to reading more from her.

Author Bio:
Kelly Riad is an American writer who graduated from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas with a degree in journalism. Because's she's always been a lucky little brat, her life has taken her all over the world from the hot, humid streets of Hong Kong and the crowded markets of Cairo, to the cobbles of Vienna and the ruins of Rome from where she has shamelessly stolen ideas and material for her stories.

She self-published her first young adult novel, Always Me, in September 2011. Other Novels include Return to Arèthane and Prince of Arèthane.

For more information on Kelly's young adult fiction, visit

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Blog Tour Schedule: 

Dec. 10 - Books Down My Pillow - Review, Giveaway Paperback Copy

Dec. 11 - Book Crook Reviews - Review

             - SnifferWalk - Review, Character Bio

Dec. 12 - Overflowing Bookshelves - Review

Dec. 13 - SupaGurl Books - Review

             - 5 Girls Book Reviews - Review, Guest Post

Dec. 14 - Mercy Amare - Review

             - Nomi's Paranormal Palace  - Character Bio

Dec. 15 - Unputdownable Books - Review

Dec. 16 - My Crazy Book Obsession - Review

             - Sweet Southern Home - Guest Post

Dec. 17 - **QWERTY** - Character Bio

             - Night Owl Reads - Author Guest Post

Dec. 18 - Pinkindle Reads & Reviews - Review

Dec. 19 - A Dream Within A Dream - Review, Excerpt, Paperback Copy Giveaway

            - Doodle's Book Blog  - Review

Dec. 20 - Megan Likes Books - Character Bio

Dec. 21 - Good Choice Reading - Author Interview

             - Step Into Fiction - Review

Dec. 22 - Reviewing Shelf - Review

Dec. 23 - I Know That Book! - Review, Character Bio, Paperback Copy Giveaway

             - Lovely Reads - Review  
Any thoughts on the books? :)


Friday, December 14, 2012

WinterHaven Sleigh Tour : My Dear Santa Wish List

 Happy December Everyone! I'm super excited to be part of the WinterHaven Sleigh Tour hosted by WinterHaven Books. Each week each blogger who is part of the tour joins in the fun of doing a special segment. And this week, I'm writing our dear Father Christmas a letter. Check out what everyone else is writing to Santa this year by clicking this.

That's all from me! :) Do you have a Christmas Wishlist this year? Let me know! I might be in the mood for some random act of kindness.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Giveaway + Guest Post: Starflower Tour

Hey all! :) 

I come baring a guest post and a giveaway!

Before reading this post, be sure to check out these posts first! :)
12/5 – Aleksandra @ - Guest Post - Inspired by Cats I
12/6 – Lisa @ - Guest Post - Inspired by Cats II

Inspired by Cats III

by  Anne Elisabeth Stengl

What makes the difference between a man and a beast? What turns us from creatures of survival and instinct, focused only on our own desires and our own immediate needs and concerns? The answer is simple . . . and yet so profound. The answer is love.

Without love, my little feral kittens would have lived the short, brutish lives of their ancestors, moving from immediate need to immediate need. The same is true for you and me. Without love, would we be any different? We'd be concerned only with our next meal, our next comfort, our status, our immediate security. But love takes us outside of ourselves. Love gives us meaning beyond survival, beyond instinct.

Through love divinely showered upon our heads from a source beyond our understanding, we become greater creatures, more than animals. We become souls intended for relationships. As animals, we would only take what we needed. As beings of love, we can give and we can receive.

Through love, we become what we were always intended to be.

Those little kittens of mine were not born to be brutes. They were not born to hunt and kill and to be killed. They were born to be someone's companion. They were born to be small reflections of our own selves, giving love and bringing joy to others. And as I sent them off to their new homes and their new lives, I saw those kittens become what they were meant to be . . . but which they never would have become without love’s interference.

I owe those kittens a tremendous debt. Through what I learned while fostering them--and continuing to foster more kittens over these last few years--I discovered what Starflower was intended to say to my readers. Starflower is a story about love and its transforming power. It's a story about creatures becoming whole, about souls discovering what they were meant to be, beyond the limitations of selfish desires.

So when you read Starflower, I hope you will be caught up in an engaging, otherworldly adventure. I hope you will be enchanted by the seductive rivers and the wily Faerie queens; I hope you will shudder at the machinations of the dragon-witch; I hope you will be left breathless at the perils faced by my brave heroine and her immortal companion. But I also hope that you will see and understand the much deeper, more meaningful story behind the colorful characters and intrigue. I hope what I meant to say will reach out and touch your heart, and leave you eager to explore the power of transforming love in your own life.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the entire December Tour!

3 - Laura @ Colorimetry - Launch!
3 - Sarah @ Letters to the Cosmos - Review
4 - Kathy @ I Am a Reader, Not a Writer - Excerpt
4 - Kari @ Kari's Crowded Bookshelf - Review
5 - Aleksandra @ Aleksandra's Corner - Guest Post - Inspired by Cats I
6 - Lisa @ Bookworm Lisa - Guest Post - Inspired by Cats II
6 - Mandy @ The Reading Diaries - Review
7 - Alicia @ Mortality Bites - Dragonwitch page REVEAL
7 - Naj @ Unputdownable Books - Guest Post - Inspired by Cats III
9 - Lissette @ Passion and Life - Guest Post - Night Terrors
10 - Laura @ Colorimetry - Review
10 - Bonnie @ A Backwards Story - Review
12 - Aimee @ Getting Your Read On - Guest Post - The Faces of Love I
12 - Kimberly Krey @ Kimberly Krey - Guest Post - Drafts
13 - Abbi @ Christian Novels - Tales of Goldstone Wood Reviews
13 - Mandy @ The Reading Diaries - Interview
14 - Ivy @ Open the Page - Guest Post - The Faces of Love II
16 - Alicia @ Mortality Bites - Review
17 - Len @ Musings of a Reader Happy - Hightlight - Dragonwitch
17 - Jen @ Literally Jen - Review
18 - Beth @ Living a Goddess Life - Review
19 - Rach @ Stressed Rach - Guest Post - Illustrated Sneak Peak
19 - Christy @ Christy's Cozy Corners - Review
20 - Heather @ Proud Book Nerd - Review
20 - Heidi @ Geo Librarian - Guest Post - The Faces of Love III
21 - Jaime @ Goodreads - Review
21 - Finale @ Colorimetry - Giveaway winner announced.

More about the book! 

Goodreads Synopsis:

"Readers will enjoy this romantic adventure story...akin to C.S. Lewis' Narnia series."--"Booklist"
When a cursed dragon-witch kidnaps the lovely Lady Gleamdren, Eanrin sets boldly forth on a rescue mission...and a race against his rival for Gleamdren's favor. Intent upon his quest, the last thing the immortal Faerie needs is to become mixed up with the troubles of an insignificant mortal.
But when he stumbles upon a maiden trapped in an enchanted sleep, he cannot leave her alone in the dangerous Wood Between. One waking kiss later, Eanrin suddenly finds his story entangled with that of young Starflower. A strange link exists between this mortal girl and the dragon-witch. Will Starflower prove the key to Lady Gleamdren's rescue? Or will the dark power from which she flees destroy both her and her rescuer?

Good luck to everyone on the giveaway and hope you all enjoyed the guestpost! :)


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Character Interview: Beauregard Faire of Rouge by Leigh Talbert Moore

Welcome to my stop on the Rouge Blog Tour hosted by YA Bound.  Click HERE to check out the full blog tour schedule! Enjoy the Character Interview with Beau! I found it hilarious!

Rouge (Cheveux Roux, #1)
by Leigh Talbert Moore
Release Date: November 11, 2012
300 pages
Mature YA/light historical/theater romance
Add to Goodreads link:
Get it at: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

 Trapped in the underground theater world of 1890s New Orleans, Hale Ferrer has only one goal: escape. But not without Teeny, the orphan-girl she rescued from the streets and promised to protect.

Freddie Lovel, Hale's wealthy Parisian suitor, seems to be the easy solution. If only his touch could arouse her interest like Beau's, the penniless stagehand who captures her heart.

Denying her fears, Hale is poised to choose love until an evil lurking in their cabaret-home launches a chain of events that could cost her everything.

Character Interview: Beauregard Faire

By Leigh Talbert Moore

I managed to get Beau to sit down and talk to us today. He’s in my new book Rouge (link), and he’s working constantly now that he’s got a promise to keep. For the first time in his life, he’s become very focused. (Of course, he’s from pre-Internet times, so we might have to explain things.)

LTM: Hi, Beau! Thanks for answering some questions for us today!
Beau: Who’s us?

LTM: The blog readers. They read about you in Rouge and want to know you better.
Beau: What’s a blog?

LTM: Nevermind. Forget all that. So! That’s some name you got there, Beauregard Faire. Is that after a relative?
Beau: Don’t know. My dad died before I could ask him. But you can just call me Beau. “Beauregard” sounds like a cotton baron or something, which I’m not.

LTM: But you have picked cotton back when you lived on the farm. You told Hale that.
Beau: Yeah, but only when absolutely necessary. I did more of the heavy lifting.

LTM: So I see… (*eyes hot bod*) Anyhoo! Tell us about Hale!
Beau: It’s hard for me to talk about her right now.

LTM: But you’re in love with her, right?
Beau: I asked her to marry me.

LTM: She didn’t say no…
Beau: Things are complicated.

LTM: What do you like most about her?
Beau: Well, she’s beautiful, of course. The first time I saw her, I could hardly form a decent sentence.

LTM: I know. What else?
Beau: She’s an amazing singer, and she’s not a bad dancer even though she thinks she is. She’s really sweet to Christina…

LTM: You mean Teeny?
Beau: She doesn’t like that nickname. But yeah. Hale would do anything for her, but she’s just so stubborn. I hate it when she keeps me out. I know there’s a lot she’s not telling me, and I don’t know how to make her open up.

LTM: I think it was very cool how you saved her life. Were you scared to reach out and grab the rope when she fell?
Beau: No. I didn’t even think about it. I just saw her falling, and it was the only way I could stop it. It did shred my hands, though.

LTM: Your hands take a beating in this story. So what’s it like working in a theater? Do you like being part of a musical production?
Beau: Oh, yeah. It’s something I never thought I’d do, but it’s exactly the type of life I was looking for when I left Ascension.

LTM: You were looking for adventure—wine, women, and song—and I’d say you found it!
Beau: I wasn’t looking for something like this. I mean, I wanted to have fun and, yeah, meet women and be carefree, but Hale changed all that.

LTM: So how many dancers did you, umm, “meet” before you and Hale got together?
Beau: It was just one! I told Hale that…

LTM: OK, I’m sorry. Bad subject. So what are you most looking forward to in the sequel?
Beau: What?

LTM: Nevermind, Let’s play “This or That.” Like I’ll say two things and you tell me which you prefer. For example, Pencil or Pen.
Beau: I can’t afford a pen. Unless you count the cloisonné pen Hale gave me. It was her father’s.

LTM: Right. Sorry. Umm… Chicken or tacos?
Beau: What’s a taco?

LTM: Ebooks or paper?
Beau: What’s an ebook?

LTM: *sigh* Forget it. Thanks for stopping to chat with us today! I think a lot of ladies have a crush on you right now. Possibly even this one. *bats lashes*
Beau: Oh, well, you have… interesting hair.

LTM: *blushes* You think so? *smoothes frizz* You’re just being sweet. Like always. It’s OK. I know you’ve only got eyes for Hale. But you do look great in a suit.
Beau: It’s part of my job.

LTM: Yes it is…

That’s it! I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know Beau a little better! If you have any questions for him, leave them in the comments section, and I’ll see if I can get the answer for you.

Thanks for having us here today!

About the Author

Leigh Talbert Moore is a wife and mom by day, a writer by day, a reader by day, a freelance editor when time permits, a chocoholic, a caffeine addict, a lover of YA and new adult romance (really any great love story), a beach bum, and occasionally she sleeps.

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