
Review Policy

For review requests from publishers and authors

I ONLY read:
  • Young Adult 
    • Romance
    • Paranormal Romance
    • Contemporary
    • Dystopian
    • Mild Sci-Fi
    • Steampunk
  • Adult Fiction
    • Paranormal
    • Urban Fantasy
    • Dystopian
    • Steampunk
    • Romance
    • Erotica
    • Paranormal/Chick Lit
I do NOT read:
  • Children's Books 
  • Epic Fantasy
  • Christian Books
  • Normal Fiction
    • Mysteries
    • Horror
    • Illness
    • Drama
    • Thriller
  • Self-Help Books
  • Cookbooks
  • Poetry
I post my reviews on: 
  • My blog
  • B&N
  • Amazon
  • Goodreads
  • The Book Depository
  • Share them on: Twitter & Facebook
The ONLY mediums I accept: 
  • Paperback 
  • Hardback
  • I rarely accept eBooks but I make some exceptions. Email me at unputdownablebooks(at)gmail(dot)com for inquires.

I don't accept eBooks for review for a short time. I'm putting it on hold for awhile until I catch up with all the eBooks I got for review to make up for the time I promised each author and broke. I'll let you guys know when it changes.

I Love DystopianI Love PNRI Love RomanceI Love Urban FantasyI Love YA

*All books are either purchased by me or given by publishers, authors or are gifts from friends. Anything from an author or publisher for free is marked for review. I do not make any money out of reviewing book from all parties mentioned above. I write honest reviews that aren't written to offend anyone.