
Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Awakening (Darkest Powers #2) by Kelley Armstrong

Title: The Awakening
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Started: 26/2/11
Finished: 3/3/11
Goodreads | Review List


I'm sure you all heard this in many other reviews but seriously, the first book was amazing but the sequel was even better! You know how sequels usually suck? Yeah, well. It so did not happen with Armstrong's Darkest Powers series!

She definitely knows how to write and keep it simple and limited. I sometimes hate long series. Every time you read another installment the story begins to lose its depth. Well, its obvious it ain't going to happen with this one.

I adore the series. It kept me reading all the way. Even though I took awhile buying the next bit (I have A.D.D with books. I always buy the first book of a series I haven't read and just that). I enjoyed every bit of this book. There was not an idle moment in the story which adds on to the "AWESOME BOOK" title the book deserves. So, I'll give this 5 out of 5 stars! Because The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong is unputdownable!



  1. Awesome! And guess what the 3rd is even better!! I love love this series! Hey I have bookmarks for The Summoning and The Awakening, do you want them?

  2. Love your blog!! Thanks for signing up for RAK!!

    <3 Vanessa
    Book Soulmates

  3. Hmmm, no idle moment. That is great! I know I want this series, and now even more. :) Thanks!


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