
Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Monday, What are you reading? #14

This is a weekly meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through A World Of Books. It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Hey guys! So there's a rumor going around that my University (AMAIUB) will be canceling this trimester and they'll be passing all of their students so we can start fresh the next trimester. -.- I like the idea and all but honestly that will not do great for my GPA. ARGH! Anyways! On to what I'm reading this week!

OMG. I read the series wrong. -.- DARN IT! I read the 1st book then the 3rd. *annoyed*

:( What I'm reading this week: 

Goodreads Synopsis:

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter for Animators, Inc., is offered a cool mil to raise a 283-year-old corpse. But she knows that "the older the zombie, the bigger the death needed to raise it". Only a human sacrifice is "big" enough to raise this old soul--and Anita's no murderer.


Sigh. I don't know why but I really thought this was the 3rd book when its the 2nd. -.- Dang it. I hate it when I don't read books in order. 

What I've Read:

So what are you guys reading this Monday?


  1. How are you liking this series? I have read Laurell's Merry Gentry series but not this one. I want to though.

  2. Hey Naj !! I'm glad you liked the first and the third book in the series !! It's too bad you made a mistake .. but it's not a big deal and this series can be very confusing, there are so many books !! =)
    Happy reading ;) !!

  3. I loved Prince Caspian. I keep meaning to finish the series, but I keep forgetting to! I've never heard of Laurell K. Hamilton though. I'll have to look her up.

  4. Aggh. Enoying. But hope you enjoyed them anyway. Me myself haven't read this series yet though. Happy reading. Hope thatt evrrything with your uni gets in order so you can finish etc. :)


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