
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I'd Like to See Made Into Movies

1. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
Who wouldn't want this as a movie! I can't wait actually but at the same time I'm kind of scared they might mess things up for us. T-T But It's worth it I guess! I wanna see who they'll cast Adrian and Dimitri as.
2. Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series by Laurell K. Hamilton
Seriously, if not a freaking movie, a TV series please! I think this would be an awesome TV Show. All the kick ass stuff thats happening. :D I'd love to see who they cast Jean-Claude as if they ever do. 1 book is bound to be at least 3 episodes.
3. Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost
Cat and Bones. :D
4.The Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward
aohakjhslgyauskhs! If you don't want this made into a movie you are crazy! I love you Wrath! You my fave. *hugs*
5. Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
Dunno, how well this could be as a movie. But I'd like to see it happen. :D
6. The Immortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
I know this is soon to be a movie and all. I'm just waiting around to get the book. :D So I can finish the series before the movie comes out. I think I've got a lot of time. :D
7. The Black Cobra Quartet by Stephanie Laurens
I love this series. Its Victorian based and its Adult Fiction so I dunno if you guys know it. But I still love it and hope they make it into a movie! :D
8. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
:D Yesh. This too please!
9. House of Night Series by P.C. & Kristin Cast
If ever. This would make a great chick TV show.
10. Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter A Romantic Comedy anyone?



  1. I so want to see Vampire Academy made into a movie! I feel awfully sad that the series is over,so i am eagerly looking forward to the movie! The fear of ruining a good book always attacks me when any book i enjoyed is being made into a movie!

  2. I think I'd prefer Me and Mr Darcy as a film, didn't love the book so much. Anita Blake might work for the earlier books but even with the precedent of True Blood, I'm not sure they'd allow so much sex into the series!

  3. I have mixed feelings when it comes to VA as a movie mostly because I'm afraid that will become a kind of phenomenon and I'm not sure they will take the right actors .. If they make VA into a movie I need Ben Barnes as Dimitri otherwise that will suck (just joking, well a little ..) !! =)

  4. YES VA!!!!!!!!!!! Im behind on so many books as well so don't feel bad! I need to read the night huntress series, infernal devices, and many others.
    Great List!
    thanks for stopping by!

  5. Those are great picks!! I am always so scared for books to go to movies though, they never seem to get it right and then I am always judging them. I suck. I wish I could enjoy them. I can't even watch True Blood anymore because they have strayed so far from the book.

  6. Unearthly is the only book I read on this list and it would make a great movie and you never know, it may happen. I was surprised to find out that Firelight by Sophie Jordan is going to be made into a movie. I loved the book and am very curious to see it on the big screen. Anything can happen.
    Truly Bookish


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