
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Author Interview: Ali M. Naqvi

I've been meaning to start these interviews for awhile. But never thought how it all plays out until I started meeting loads of authors online through review requests. And I'm excited to present my first Interviewee who is the Author of the Epic trilogy, The Second Great War Trilogy. Ali Naqvi! Continue onto the questions!

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A little Blurb about Ali:

I was first inspired by Michael Crichton, or more actually, Jurassic Park, when I was about ten years old, and from that it brought a whole world of books to me.  It wasn’t till Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit where I began to create my ‘world’ which now has become Acadia. While to be honest I was not a true fantasy fan rather I loved books by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, and Fitzgerald (I still always carry a pocket-size book of The Great Gatsby wherever I go), the realm of fantasy was beyond welcoming and limitless.

Beyond books, I love to travel, try new different things, study medicine, and when I can—listen to my favorite J-pop artist, Ayumi Hamasaki. (Naj's Note: I totally enjoy Japanese music myself!)

1. What inspired you to write something like the The Second Great War Trilogy

Originally, Tolkien and George R.R. Martin, but mainly because I was drawn in to those ‘fantasy maps’, and the whole world of magic.  Before Acadia, I was working on a historical romance novel set in the early 18th century…a project I will go back to when I get the time.

2. Have you ever had writers block while writing the first book of The Second Great War Trilogy? If so how'd you get over it?


I did once, and it was in Ch.14 ‘Aboard the Libertine’; I had no knowledge of sailing or the technology behind those galleon-like ships.  So how was to convince the readers of such an adventure across the ocean?  I dug into history books, and read many great fiction like Treasure Island and On Stranger Tides—not only that but Starbucks. Yep, definitely Starbucks…

3. How long did it take you to write The Second Great War Trilogy?

Starting on the first book itself was back in 2004; while the original concept that I ‘sketched’ on was around 2001 with making over fifteen notebooks of Acadia’s history in a timeline fashion, then names and lineage of many kings over a course of 5,000 years—also, lots and lots of maps of the world.  When I was satisfied, I chose a piece of a story from the most recent history of Acadia, or I should say, a post-renaissance time period.

Around 2007, the first book came up to about 1400 pages which were too much for a debut author.  So, I decided to split the first into what it is now as the The Second Great War Trilogy. 

4. If you could meet J.R.R. Tolkien whats the first thing you would ask? 

Don’t watch the movies!!  Just kidding!  Truthfully, I’d ask him of his true inspiration behind the trilogy.

5. Paperback or Hardback? Why?

Hardback definitely.  When I read I like to collect, so hardbacks are always favorite and they look very classy.

6. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

Elizabeth Bennett from Pride & Prejudice; she was far intelligent, and a revolutionary figure for women in a society that deemed them to be inferior of the two sexes.  It was her fighting principles and an open mind that I always still find admirable. (Naj's Note: I LOVE Lizzy Bennett!)

7. What is your weakness? Books, Food, etc.

Chocolate and Coffee…or again, Starbucks!

8. State 5 random facts about yourself.

  1. I speak over five foreign languages. 
  2. I want to live in Tokyo. 
  3. I love to watch anime or if time allows, play the Final Fantasy game series. 
  4. I hate spiders.  
  5. I use to model a few years back.
9. What are you currently reading?

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas.

10. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

Too many times where I actually have to go forward and match the plot…but if you were to see the original work then you’d be surprised at how different it is to that of the current version.

11. Your favorite Genre?

Science fiction & Fantasy

12. Heres your chance to market your book. Describe the Acadia/The Second Great War Trilogy Series and why readers should pick it up.

The Acadia series has two heroes and two villains, both beginning their journey from the other extreme, and in their journey they will come to find friendship, love, death, and hope.  While many would think the end shown in the prologue is bleak and despicable, they will instead learn of Damont Langörn’s journey to be more spiritual and psychological in the time before that ending.  He will not only have to face Derrick Avren, his enemy, but himself; and it is that journey which will decide the true outcome.

But I’d like to think the readers would be more interested in the story of Amber Riddenale.  After all, I believe she is the true heroine of this story, since the fate of the world rests in her hands—a powerful sorceress—who will charm the hearts of both Damont and Derrick, and can ultimately love one…the hero or the villain.


Thank you so much Ali for being my first Interviewee! :D I totally loved all your answers! And the 5 facts about yourself. I'm looking forward to reading more of your books! And yes! Amber's story is what I love about Acadia! 

Hope you guys liked my first interview with an Author! There are lots more to come!


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