
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Author Interview: Darby Karchut

 Another Author Interview this time with Griffin Rising's Author Darby Karchut!

A little blurb about Darby Karchut:
Darby Karchut is a writer, a teacher, and a compulsive dawn greeter. She lives in Colorado with her husband and owns more running shoes than high heels. Griffin Rising is her first novel. She is currently working on the next book in the series: Griffin’s Fire.

1. What inspired you to write?  

I actually never wanted to be a writer. I have never written a thing until I wrote Griffin Rising. But one day, I came across a legend from the Middle Ages about a lowly caste of angels who were said to control the elements of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. The idea of a story about a warrior angel and his apprentice was born a few days later. Griffin entered my life and changed it forever.

2. How long did it take you to write Griffin Rising?  

About four months. (Naj's Note: Woah)

3. What particular place do you write in? Coffee Shop? Home?   

Wherever and whenever I have a fifteen minute block of time or more. My laptop is permanently glued to my hip.

3. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first? 

The YA section. Then the coffee shop, if they have one. Personally, I think the YA section should be in the coffee shop. I’m just saying.

4. What are you currently reading?  

An ARC of The Power of Six. (Naj's Note: Oh Oh! I can't wait to start this series)

5. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why? 

I have to say it’s a toss-up between Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings and Halt from the Ranger’s Apprentice. They are both sterling examples of the stoic warrior. Although I do love Mangus Bane from the Mortal Instruments – the guy cracks me up!  (Naj's Note: I love Aragorn. He's too awesome for his own good!)
6. What is your weakness? Books, Food, etc.  

Books, then coffee, followed by bookstores with coffee shops. Do we see a pattern here?

7. State 5 random facts about yourself. 

I can read classical Latin fluently, I am an accomplished equestrian (English and Western), I have memorized all the poems in the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, I teach junior high social studies (and love that age group!), and I would rather run uphill than downhill. (Naj's Note: Okay, the Latin thing is super cool)
8. Paperback or Hardback? Why?  

Both/either. I’m an equal opportunity book lover.

9. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?  

Dozens and dozens of times. I love editing. I really do. My best work will always be with the next edit.

10. Your favorite Genre?  

YA and Middle Grade fantasy

11. How many books in a month do you tend to read?  

Between four to five. Although my reading has slowed a bit the closer I get to launch date.

12. Do you prefer reading Adult or Young Adult paranormal books?  

YA, to be sure!

13. Have you read something completely out of your comfort zone? For Example, You only read cute romance novels then you decide to read a horror book.  

No, not really. I tend to read a wide variety of books, although my focus is on YA.

14. Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe your book(s) and why readers should pick them/it up?

For centuries, rumors have abounded of a lowly caste of supernatural beings known as the Terrae Angeli. Armed with the power to control Earth, Fire, Wind and Water, these warriors secretly serve as guardians for mortals in danger.
But for one young angel-in-training, Griffin, life is hell as a cruel master makes his apprenticeship a nightmare. On the verge of failing, a new mentor, Basil, enters his life and changes it forever.
Taking on the identity of father and son, Griffin and Basil forge a special bond where honesty and trust go hand in hand to secure Griffin’s destiny as a Terrae Angeli. Griffin’s belief in himself and the love of a mortal girl are the perfect combination in overcoming the darkest days of his life. But will it be enough for him to succeed?
For Griffin, it’s time to angel up.
Readers should pick up my book because it explores the rarely celebrated bond between father/son or master/apprentice while chronicling the trials and tribulations of a boy on his journey to manhood.
Thank you, Naj, for letting me visit with you today. I had a terrific time!

No, Thank YOU Darby! :D 
Hope to have you again! 

Hope everyone enjoyed our litter interview! Do check out her blog and website!



  1. Great interview :)
    Loved the way your doing them :) And the questions.
    Hope you will have more of these :)

    Never heard of this book before. Other then you read it. :)

  2. Hi Naj, I saw your blog spotlighted on Misha's site and thought I'd drop by to say hello. Nice to meet you, I've enjoyed my visit.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love comments they're what keeps me going with this blog.