
Monday, September 26, 2011

Review: Voodoo Dues (Lian & Figgs #1) by Stephany Simmons

Title: Voodoo Dues (Lian & Figgs #1)
Author: Stephany Simmons
Started: 25/9/2011
Finished: 26/9/2011
Goodreads | Review List

Goodreads Summary: 

From the beginning of Figg’s employment, there is something not quite right about the bar. There are few customers, a parade of neighborhood psychics and pentacle adorned visitors, all coming to hold court with her enigmatic boss. Figg is not sure what is going on, but she is determined to find out!
When the local voodoo queen shows up, and the next morning her grandson ends up dead outside the bar things get interesting.

Figg pesters Lian into telling her the truth about his former life, and is thrust into a world where the things that go bump in the night are real. There’s a murder to solve, zombies to lay to rest and a villain that neither of them saw coming.


One thing I love in my eBooks is it being short, entertaining, funny and excessively easy to read. If an eBook has all those qualities its an eBook I actually enjoyed and is worth my time. Reading eBooks give me a headache and makes me sleepy to the point where I can't read the book properly and all I'm doing is trying to rush my way to finish the book. Yes, this has happened to me many times.

But Voodoo Dues is not one of those bad rushed books. Its the one I found humorous, enjoyable and easy to read. The main characters Lian and Figg are realistic and perfectly written. I loved how Lian was a loner and sort of troubled while Figg is there to liven his Lians life up with her spunkiness and sense-of-humor. I couldn't help but laugh at how Figgs reacts to things. If she were real. I'm sure I'd probably get a long with her.

The scenario and plot was well written and sort of reminded me of the Anita Blake series because it was the only other (besides The Summoning, etc in YA) book that I read that had zombies and necromancers and the constant intros of new characters was a plus too though it could be really confusing and hard to keep up in the beginning but I'm slowly trying to get used to.

Stephany Simmons wrote a fabulous short action-packed read that made me laugh and swoon all in one paragraph. I'm looking forward for more of the stern engaged duo that is Lian and Figg. Definite unputdownable book!


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