
Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog Tour: Interview with Curvy Writer's Idea-to-Novel Experiment

This is a unique project by DJ Westerfield which I'd love to share with you all. I did a little interview with her. Though now, I wished I asked her a different set of questions. :( 

Before that I'd like to share with you a little about the project: 

DJ Westerfield is going to document her journey through the preparation and writing of the book on her CurvyWriter Blog and in her weekly posts on the Curvalicious Living Magazine website. Once the book is written, edited, and published, much of her work product will be put up on this website so you can see how the world came together.

The Novel DJ is writing is Voodoo Moon. Voodoo Moon will be Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy.

What happens after the world ends? A new one begins.

Magic and ParaNormal beings have existed for as long as time…but they have always lived in secret, their existence reduced to myth.

After a worldwide cataclysm destroys modern society the only chance humanity has are the magic users and immortal creatures that have long been regarded as inhuman. In the ruins of one society another rises up. One that acknowledges the existence of paranormal beings and magic as normal scientific fact. Magic blends with technology and vampires, werewolves, and witches live side by side with normal humans.

But this new world is a dangerous one. While the new city-states are relatively safe within their walls with Peacekeepers on every corner…outside the walls in the Outter Zones danger lurks behind every derelict building and over grown tree.


  • Complete the pre-writing (prep) process before National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November 
  • Write the complete novel during NaNoWriMo 
  • Edit and revise within thirty (30) days 
  • Publish novel in January (no later than February) 2012
* * *

Now, to the Interview! Please, welcome DJ! *applause*

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter (@curvywriter)

Blurb about Dj Westerfield:

I am a thirty-@#$# year old wife, stepmom, sister, and auntie.  I have been a freelance writer, editor and ghost writer for several years. In the past I have had several short stories and novellas under two pen names.  I have decided to scrap those and start fresh with a new pen name, June Stevens, and a new genre, paranormal romance/urban fiction.   I recently founded Curvalicious Living Magazine (, where I am editor in chief.  In my “day job” I am a court advocate for victims of domestic violence.  

1. What inspired you to write?

I don’t really know.  I always wanted to be a writer, for as long as I can remember.  It may be because when I was young I often escaped from a not so pleasant childhood through reading.  I would hide under the porch, in closets, or up in trees and read for hours.  I do know that I got my talent, and possibly some of my urge to write from my mother.  She was a talented writer, singer, and artist…though she never pursued any of those dreams.  I know, for a fact, that she is my inspiration for writing now.  She had a hard life and had dreams that never came true.  I lost her in August.  I know she wanted me to edit less and ghost write less and write fiction for myself.  Now, I am determined to do that, for her and for myself.     

2. Have you ever had writers block while writing? If so how'd you get over it?

Writer’s block isn’t my problem so much as “writer’s procrastination”.  The ideas flow out of me like lava, but making myself sit still and write is always a challenge.    

3. How long does it take you to write?

It all depends on what I’m working on, how motivated I am, and, if I’m writing fiction, how much the characters are talking to me.

4. What particular place do you write in? Coffee Shop? Home? 

Usually at home, but when I can I sneak off to the library (which has a coffee shop in it…how awesome is that?)

5. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

Depends on my mood that day, but usually either the urban fantasy/paranormal section or the romantic suspense/mystery section.  Though there are some days when I stand in the middle aisle turning in circles overwhelmed by sheer joy.

6. Paperback or Hardback? Why?

Paperback.  I’m hard on books. Books are to read, to enjoy over and over and over.  Not to be shelved to gather dust.  I bend back spines, underline passages I like, and sadly, sometimes even dog-ear pages.  Yes, I know most consider that a cardinal sin.  But if you come in and see my book collection there is no doubt each one is well read and well loved.

7. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

That is an impossible question!  If I really have to choose I guess I would say Anne Shirley from the Anne of Green Gables books by L.M. Montgomery.  When I was a little girl I read books to escape, and there was no greater escape than the Anne books.  I used to have a very long skirt and I would wear it when I’d go out to play and pretend I was Anne out on an adventure.  

8. State 5 random facts about yourself.

1. I’m celebrating my 1 year wedding anniversary, TODAY! (Naj's Note: CONGRATS!!)
2. I’m fat, and…I’m ok with ME.
3. I have a 3 year old nephew who is a talented actor in the making.  He will be a super star some day.  FACT!
4. When I’m in a bad or sad mood I watch Love Actually or Pride and Prejudice (with Kiera Knightly)…Or both.  They always cheer me up.
5. I am addicted to fried chicken and Nutella. (Though, I don’t usually eat them together.)

9. What are you currently reading? 

I am currently reading The Shoppe of Spells by Shannon Grey which I will be reviewing for Curvalicious Living Magazine.  For times when I can’t sit down and read I have just downloaded about 10 Nora Roberts audio books for my Ipod.  This will keep me entertained while I clean house, drive, and work for the next week or so.    

10. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot? 

As many times as I (or my characters) change my mind.  I can’t give a definitive number on that, because it is always different.  I can say that almost always, at least once.  My original idea is never like the finished product.  

11. Your favorite Genre? 

It really depends on my mood.  Mystery/Suspense, Paranormal, Romance.  Now, a book that has all three together…..WIN!

12. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

10-20 depending on how busy I am.  Lately most of the books I read are audio books.  I can borrow them from my library, put them on my Ipod, and “read” while I am cleaning, cooking, and just about everything…except writing. 

13. Do you prefer reading Adult or Young Adult paranormal books?

Both.  I read mostly adult paranormal/urban fantasy. I’m a huge fan of Jeaniene Frost, Ilona Andrews, Jessa Slade…and the list could go on forever. I am also huge fan of Young Adult books, but not so much the recent flood of YA “vampire” books. 

14. Who (actor/actress/model) is mostly likely to play your favorite character in your Recent Book? Name the character and Include a picture of the actor who'd most likely play him/her.

My favorite character is Fiona.  Finding an actress that fits the bill of Fiona was very hard.  While there are many beautiful, tall, dark haired actresses out there, most of them have figures that are unattainable for the average woman.  I want Fiona to be “real” since I used a friend’s body as the inspiration for her looks, but she also has to be somewhat athletic and able to kick booty when necessary.  So, after much deliberation and thoughts about a dark haired Christina Hendricks or Kate Winslet, I found a couple of pictures of a model that I thought would best represent “Fiona”.  

Mia Tyler is gorgeous, curvy, AND looks like she could kick some serious butt when needed.  She is definitely my “Fiona”.

16. Heres your chance to market your book. Describe your book and why readers should pick it up?

Voodoo Moon is the first in the ParaNorm World novel series.  The “blurb” for the book is not finished because I am writing the book now.  Or rather I am “pre-writing” the book now and will write it during NaNoWriMo.  I am doing this somewhat publicly and posting regular updates on my blog, The CurvyWriter Blog (  

About ParaNorm World (
What happens after the world ends?  A new one begins.
Magic and ParaNormal beings have existed for as long as time…but they have always lived in secret, their existence reduced to myth.
After a world wide cataclysm destroys modern society the only chance humanity has are the magic users and immortal creatures that have long been regarded as inhuman.  In the ruins of one society another rises up.  One that acknowledges the existence of paranormal beings and magic as normal scientific fact.  Magic blends with technology and vampires, werewolves, and witches live side by side with normal humans.
But this new world is a dangerous one.  While the new city-states are relatively safe within their walls with Peacekeepers on every corner…outside the walls in the Outter Zones danger lurks behind every derelict building and over grown tree.

* * *

I'd like to thank DJ for being part of my post today! And goodluck in your writing endeavors!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting DJ today. Her Idea to Novel experiment sounds like a great idea. Can't wait to follow the process.


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