
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top 10 Characters of 2011


 1. Adrian in Bloodlines 
    by Richelle Mead

Despite the fact that he was heart broken and depressed. He still was excessively sarcastic to the point where I couldn't help but laugh my butt off.

 2 - 3. Cat & Ian in The Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost

Hands down! Cat is by far the best heroine I've read about. She's got all the characters of a stern, headstrong protagonist that keeps you entertained throughout the series.
Ian on the other hand, is down right hilarious. That man is so cute sometimes! I'm waiting for his turn to be a star in a spin-off series. He deserves some love too! 

 4. Lola in Lola and the Boy Next Door
    by Stephanie Perkins

Lola, in so many ways, reminds me of me. She's uber talented and she's striving to find love and in the end finds it with an old friend. :D Aside from that, I just love her style and her courage to show it off in front of everyone. 
 5. Luc in Personal Demons
    by Lisa Desrochers 

Luc is that bad boy demon who DOES NOT feel anything for anyone. He doesn't have a heart (PERIOD!). Well, until he met the girl he was supposed to steal a soul from. I love it when bad boys go soft. Luc especially! Hes just cute, hot and sarcastic as hell!
 6. Perry in Darkhouse
    by Karina Halle

Her personality! Its just so real and I love reading her narration.
7. St. Clair in Anna and the French Kiss
      by Stephanie Perkins

ITS ST. CLAIR!? Need I say more? 
8. Tucker in Unearthly 
      by Cynthia Hand

cowboy + sweet + hot + funny  = Tucker = Naj's fav
9. Will in The Ghost and the Goth
      by Stacey Kade

Like Perry, I like Will for how real the author writes him. Plus, hes hot and the weird kid in school. I have a soft spot for them. :D 
10. Wrath in Dark Lover
      by J. R. Ward

Like I said. I love seeing bad boys fall in love and go all soft! And Wrath was the start of the Brotherhoods demise! They were defeated by women! Helllll yeaaa. This gives me hope. hahaha.

I had a really hard time filling up 10 spaces. =.= I don't remember most of the characters I've read about. Yea... I know. Thats a fail from my part.



  1. Hey Naj :) ! Long time no see.. I've restarted my blog !! I'm so glad to be back in the blogging world !!
    Great picks! Adrian and St Clair are definitely in top ten characters too :) ..
    Happy reading my dear :)!

  2. Adrian! St. Claire! Tucker! I'm more partial to Cricket by Lola was awesome too ;D

  3. Naj, have you read The Bite Before Christmas? Ian has a main role in that book. I LOVE IT! Ian is my all time favorite!! Great Picks.

  4. I love your list! :) You've picked great characters!! ;)


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