
Monday, January 23, 2012

The Girl in the Box Blog Tour Wrap-Up

Caitlin Shaughnessy, a Canadian journalist, discovers that Inez, a traumatized young Mayan woman originally from Guatemala, has killed Caitlin's psychoanalyst partner, Dr. Jerry Simpson. Simpson brought the girl, who may be autistic, back to Canada as an act of mercy and to attempt to treat her obvious trauma. Cailin desperately needs to find out why this terrible incident occurred so she can find the strength to forgive and move on with her life.
Inez, whose sense of wonder and innocence touches all who meet her, becomes a focal point for many of the Canadians who encounter her. As Caitlin struggles to uncover the truth about Inez's relationship with Jerry, Inez struggles to break free of the projections of others. Each must confront her own anger and despair. The doctors in the north have an iciness that matches their surroundings, a kind of clinical armour that Caitlin must penetrate if she is to reach Inez.
The Girl in the Box is a psychological drama of the highest order and a gripping tale of intrigue and passion.

Sheila Dalton on: Goodreads | Website

Hellllooo wonderful followers! I've been hosting The Girl in the Box Blog Tour this month and had fun reading all the wonderful and interesting guestposts Sheila has written and the reviews other book bloggers posted up. I'd like to share with you all I've read below! ENJOY! 

9.1.2012 - Unputdownable BooksReview
10.1.2012 - Beyond Words - Guestpost
11.1.2012 - WORD! From Cyber-Chicago - Review + Guestpost
12.1.2012 - Jess Resides Here - Excerpt + Guestpost
13.1.2012 - Michelle Fayard - Guestpost
14.1.2012 - JJ iReads - Interview + Review
15.1.2012 -  FREE
16.1.2012 - Writers & Authors - Guestpost
17.1.2012 - Buried Under Books - Guestpost
18.1.2012 - FREE
19.1.2012 - Tolystoy is My Cat - Guestpost + Excerpt
20.1.2012 - YA-aholic - Guestpost + Giveaway
21.1.2012 - Booked-Up - Review
22.1.2012 - Unabridged Andra - Review
23.1.2012 - Melissa Electric Bookshelf - Guestpost

Thank you to all bloggers for joining in the blog tour! Thank you so much! Thanks to Sheila as well for writing such an amazing book and being just an awesome person. :D

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Naj. I know this tour was a lot of work for you and I appreciate it.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love comments they're what keeps me going with this blog.