
Friday, March 9, 2012

Review: Hurricane by Jenna-Lynne Duncan

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: Hurricane
Author: Jenna-Lynne Duncan
Started: 1/3/12
Finished: 5/3/12
eBook (Review Copy from Author)
Genre: Young Adult: Paranormal
Buy: Amazon / The Book Depository / Barnes & Noble

Goodreads Synopsis:

Adriana couldn’t decide what was worse—that Hurricane Katrina was heading for New Orleans, or that she might not survive her kidnapping to see its potential effects. She had trusted Hayden, even fallen for him, and now he and his brother Luke were taking her deeper and deeper into the Bayou. Why had two of her classmates, the mysterious Boudreaux brothers, kidnapped her? Why had Adriana’s dreams started predicting the future? Most importantly, would she make it out of the Bayou alive…
A portion of the sales from 'Hurricane' will be going to the New Orleans Area Habitat Humanity for Humanity.

I got this book for review awhile back and the only thing I remember about the synopsis was that the heroine lives in New Orleans and gets kidnapped. And that combination of concepts seemed completely different for me and I wanted to try it out.

So I started reading this book with no expectations that it'll be a paranormal-ish kind of book. Our heroine, Andriana is a sweet, modest, independent, angsty girl. And by angsty, I mean the genuine angst, the kind that actually has a reason behind it. I could easily connect with her and sometimes I felt like I was her good friend. I love it when authors manage to write a protagonist who is realistic enough to connect with the readers. At some point in the story, she began to annoy me. She just met these two brothers and she's so into them already. The easy "love" in books can be considerably unrealistic but then again. I think at some point in my teenage life, I had fawned over a guy I just met, like she did. So I can't really complain about her doing so as well.

As for the male protagonists, Luke and Hayden, I don't have much thoughts about them. They're just the usual cute, mysterious new boys at school. Their personalities are almost the opposite, Luke being the eldest knew more, and held this grumpy demeanor. As for Hayden, hes got the whole boy next door thing that I really didn't like much. But what can I say, you still have to have a boy in the picture otherwise, I won't probably read any book if it doesn't have romance.

The overall plot was different and so was the setting, and some bits of the characters. Jenna-Lynne's descriptions are detailed and well constructed. I enjoyed the flow of her writing from one chapter to the another. The book was light, thorough, different, eventful and amazing! Jenna-Lynne has definitely caught me in her web of many fans.


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