
Friday, June 15, 2012

Review: Forgive My Fins (Forgive my Fins #1) by Tera Lynn Childs

Title: Forgive My Fins (Forgive my Fins #1)
Author: Tera Lynn Childs
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Genre: Young Adult: Paranormal Romance
Format: Paperback
Buy: Amazon / The Book Depository / Barnes & Noble

Lily Sanderson has a secret, and it’s not that she has a huge crush on gorgeous swimming god Brody Bennett, who makes her heart beat flipper-fast. Unrequited love is hard enough when you’re a normal teenage girl, but when you’re half human, half mermaid like Lily, there’s no such thing as a simple crush.

Lily’s mermaid identity is a secret that can’t get out, since she’s not just any mermaid – she’s a Thalassinian princess. When Lily found out three years ago that her mother was actually a human, she finally realized why she didn’t feel quite at home in Thalassinia, and she’s been living on land and going to Seaview high school ever since, hoping to find where she truly belongs. Sure, land has its problems – like her obnoxious, biker boy neighbor Quince Fletcher – but it has that one major perk – Brody. The problem is, mermaids aren’t really the casual dating type – when they “bond,” it’s for life.

When Lily’s attempt to win Brody’s love leads to a tsunami-sized case of mistaken identity, she is in for a tidal wave of relationship drama, and she finds out, quick as a tailfin flick, that happily-ever-after never sails quite as smoothly as you planned.

Fluff meets Romance

Son of a swordfish! This book was good. Good in a pink, fluffy, excessively cute way. I never really gave much thought to mermaids. I was never attached to the concept nor did I like the Little Mermaid much. But reading a book of this fuzzy caliber. I guess, you can't help but love it.

Lily is half-human, and the other half being a mermaid. Duh. First thing I loved about her was her ocean terminology and how all her swear words were inspired by little critters in the deep blue sea, like holy blowfish! I say again, excessively cute. Lily is loyal to all her friends, mer or human. If someone speaks smack about them, she comes running to defend them. Only thing that ticked me off, is her blind obsession with her supposed soon to be "bond" (Marriage) mate, Brody and her endless self-pity. Thank Poseidon, Quince, her overly annoying human neighbor, is there to stop her from doing anything stupid. Well, almost.

Honestly, the only thing that kept me reading is Quince's mean and rude attitude towards Lily and how obvious their attraction is to each other. Quince knows this, but Lily. Well, like I said. She's blind. It was a predictable love and hate relationship but it was awesome!

So, the majority of the book was about Quince intentionally kissing Lily (which initiates the bond) in the dark (she thought he was Brody), and Lily trying to get them "separated" (sea equivalent to a divorce) from the bond. And that involves introducing him to her King Father from her Kingdom under the sea (She's a Princess). The entire time she's trying to get "separated" from him. She doesn't realize how fast she's falling for the guy until she makes a mistake with Brody.

Worst comes to worse, they make sacrifices and live happily ever after all the stupidity, rude remarks and hurt. I'm just happy it ended well.

Childs writing is clean, clear and amazingly vivid. She's got the writers gift that literally pulls you into the story. As much as the book would appeal to teens who like fluff. This isn't a guy friendly book, unless they're into that kind of stuff. At least, the fluff is romantic and energetic. An automatic fav amongst the soft hearted.


1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked it :)
    I like Childs way of writting. Very well written and easy to read. With a dash of humor in it :)

    Haven´t read this one yet.. But it´s on my shelf. And I am planning to read it this summer :)
    Great review.. And glad you liked.. Because then I will probably like it too xD haha

    Btw. is it possible for you to turn of the thing where you have to prove your not a robot thing.. thouse things have been difficult to see what´s written. So takes me so much energy to be able to comment :(


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