
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Blog Tour: Excerpt - The Vampire Hunter's Daughter Collection by Jennifer Malone Wright

This is soooo late! I apologize! This collection seems really really interesting. Check out the excerpt below! 

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter 
Complete Collection
Parts I-VI
Genre: YA Paranormal
June 2012

This special edition of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter contains parts I-VI, the complete collection. Fourteen-year-old Chloe witnesses her mother’s murder at the hands of a vampire. Before the vampire can kidnap her, there is an unexpected rescue by a group of vampire hunters.

Overwhelmed by the feeling of safety, Chloe passes out and they whisk her away to their small community. When Chloe wakes, she comes face to face with the only other living relative, besides her mother, whom she has ever met: her grandfather. Chloe’s mother kept her hidden from the family; now, Chloe tries to unveil the family secrets.

Through her grandfather, she learns her mother was a vampire hunter. In fact, her entire family is descended from the powerful bloodlines of vampire hunters. Chloe agrees to join the family she has never known for one reason only: Chloe vows to kill the vampire responsible for her mother’s murder. With vengeance in her soul, Chloe is even more determined to follow through on her vow when she discovers the true identity of her enemy and how he is connected to her.

Experience the world of vampire hunter’s, vampires and mythology with Chloe in this exciting series.

Drew let me be until snowflakes began to drift down from the sky. “Come on, Chloe. We have to go now.” 

With tears still staining my cheeks, I gave my mother‟s grave one last caress and then stood. “All right, I‟m ready.” 

Drew took my hand again and led me between the plots as best as we could manage. The air outside had chilled even more than when we arrived. It was cold. Really cold. When we approached the gates, warmth suddenly filled my stomach and spread through my body. 

“Oh, my… what the heck?” I clutched my stomach as the tingling spread all the way into my fingertips.  

“Are you okay?” Drew asked. “What‟s wrong?” 

“I don‟t know.” I shook my head. Tears threatened to surface again. “I don‟t know.” 

“It‟s your senses, Chloe, telling you something is off.” 

Drew and I both spun around and Drew whipped his gun out from underneath his jacket. 

“Who are you?” Drew yelled. 

There, sitting atop one of the gravestones, bathed in the green glow of florescent lights, was a woman. Even though it was freezing, she barely wore anything, and what she did have on looked like leather wrapped around her body and a halter top with crude lacing holding it together. Snowflakes drifted down and passed through her tanned skin, dissolving into nowhere. 

“How do you know me?” I shouted. “Who are you?” 

My stomach was still flooded with warmth, and it made me feel like I had to pee. I wished I had brought my gun. 

She clicked her tongue and tossed a wave of dark brown hair over her shoulder. “You do not need your weapons, my children. I do not come to harm.” 

She slid off the gravestone, and I watched her bare feet sink into the snow. They left no footprints. 

“Who are you?” Drew demanded again. 

She moved forward slowly. “I am your mother, many times over.” 

This chick scared me. Was she a ghost? I moved backward a few steps as she approached, using Drew as a shield, since he had the gun. 

She smiled, her dark eyes intently focusing on Drew. “Andrew, lower your weapon. You cannot harm me.” 

As if under a spell, Drew lowered his arms and his gun came to rest by his side. “What do you want?” 

“I am here to help, Chloe.” She nodded at me and smiled. “You need the help of your ancestors. Your mother cannot help you, so I have come to give you guidance.” 

The warmth in my stomach turned into fire in my heart. I can‟t explain it, but I felt the connection with this apparition. I moved out from behind Drew. 

“Who are you?” I whispered. 

She lifted her chin arrogantly. “I am Sostrate, the daughter of Artemis, and as I have told you already, your mother, many times over.” 

“Why are you here?” 

“I have come to give you the guidance your mother cannot give you. It is my duty.” 

“Are you a ghost?” 

She only shook her head and gave me a crooked grin. “I am a demi-goddess. I gained immortality from my mother. I do not come as an apparition, because I cannot die.” 

“Holy shit.” Drew actually dropped his gun in the snow. 

I moved forward, not afraid anymore. I knew she was who she said she was. As we approached each other, I stretched out my hand, wanting to touch her. She also extended her hand and as my gloved fingers connected with the solid fingertips of hers, I gasped. “You‟re real.” 

She nodded. “Of course.” 

“Sostrate,” I pulled my hand from hers, “How can you help me?” 

“Chloe, it is time that you think with a clear head. Revenge has taken over your heart and your soul, taken over so much of you that you cannot possibly win this battle. It takes more than thinking with your brain. You must fight with love,” she pressed her fist against her heart “not only hatred.” 

“I don‟t understand,” I told her. 

“Wars are not won because of hatred for the enemy; they are won because of love for what is being defended.” 


Part I of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter is FREE and the author would appreciate it if this was included in the tour spots. You can find it FREE at the links below.

Buy Links for The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter Complete Collection:


The Author is giving away a $100 gift card from Amazon as the Grand Prize throughout the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Jennifer Malone Wright

Jennifer Malone Wright resides in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho with her husband and five children. Between the craziness of taking care of her children, whose ages range from fourteen all the way down to six months, and being a homemaker, Jennifer has little time left for herself. The time she does have left, usually leading far into the night, is spent working on freelance work or her beloved fiction.

When she grew up, Jennifer always had her nose in a book. She has been writing stories and poems since grade school. This love of the written word and her strong interest in the paranormal is what has led to her first novel “The Birth of Jaiden.”

In addition to being a mother and homemaker, Jennifer is also a very proud military wife. Moving around the country for the last ten years has made her a bit of a nomad and she finds it difficult to be in one place for too long.

Jennifer is also the author of The Birth of Jaiden, a paranormal novel filled with action, suspense, and even a love story.


1 comment:

  1. I am at part 6 now.. And I like this story a lot :) Though I wish I owned it in paperback, one book.
    It should have been released like one book instead of parts.. Coz this mini series is really good I think :)


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