
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Review: Kiss Me, Dancer (Dance 'n' Love #1) by Alicia & Roy Street

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Title: Kiss Me, Dancer (Dance 'n' Love #1)
Author: Alicia and Roy Street
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: eBook for Review

A roller coaster of a romance between a divorced dad and a dance teacher.

Dance instructor Casey Richardson takes an immediate dislike to the brash, arrogant Drew Byrne when he pulls his nine-year-old son out of her “silly” dance class. Still, she cannot help noticing his smoking hot body and bedroom eyes.

A working class girl raised in the small fishing and farming community on Long Island’s rural North Fork, Casey knows all too well how easily a girl can get hurt by the notorious womanizing hunks that flourish on the South Fork in the Hamptons. Men like Drew Byrne.

The last thing she needs is for him to be the only one who can save her from losing her dance academy, the dream she has worked so hard to turn into a reality.

Remarrying is definitely off Drew’s list of things to do. As head of his Fortune 500 trucking company, he enjoys his wealth and has no problem keeping it a game with some of the world’s most beautiful women. So why should his son’s challenging, straight talking dance teacher get under his skin in a way no other female has?

Sure, Casey Richardson has luminous brown eyes and a lean, taut body that drives him nuts, but he’s seen plenty in his day with the supermodels he is used to dating. He tells himself it is because Casey is the only one who was able to bring his shy, uncommunicative son out of his shell. But even that isn’t it.

Bewildered, Drew decides he just might make use of those ridiculous psychic readings he won at North Cove’s Annual Fourth Of July Bazaar raffle. Little does he know the local psychic who donated the readings has taken off last minute for some trekking in Tibet —and Casey was swayed into substituting for her with phone readings to the anonymous winner.

Adult contemporary romance is like a maze. A maze built out of so many books that it is so difficult to find anything good in the genre... until I found this one. I'm so glad I got an email with this eBook waiting for me to munch on!

Casey Richardson has a dream. A dream that she made a reality: she teaches dance at her very own dance school. But it seems too good to be true. Her dance school is threatened and she has less than two-three months before she closes it completely. On the day she received the bad news, she meets a very dashing, rich and harsh womanizer that makes her insides melt and her groin ache. No way is she going to let herself fall in love with him, she's been down that road before and she is not going to repeat her mistakes. Especially when she can avoid it now.

Kiss Me, Dancer is a contemporary romance that had so much depth, emotion, passion and love. At first glance at the cover, I expected to read one of those sweet, fluffy and funny novels that really didn't have much depth and had more of the straight to the point love that is too easy. This book slapped that cover away and gave you reality that was written by a great duo of authors writing from both a male and female side. The outcome of the perfect tag team is simply AH-MEH-ZING.

Casey is a humble, sweet and sexy (in her own way) character. She is incredibly likable and any reader would love her and treat her like their very own book best friend. Drew on the other hand, is an incredibly realistic male lead. I've read a lot of books written by women and they almost got the male character right, ALMOST. But this one is spot on realistic. Secondary characters fit in so well and I'm pretty sure the story will be nothing without them. The storyline was in depth, detailed, wonderfully constructed and simply perfect.

Hats off to the Streets for their beautifully written romantic story of real life troubles, and heart ache's. A brilliant script for a chick flick we girls would love to cry and swoon about!


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