
Friday, January 4, 2013

Review: Souled by Diana Murdock

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Title: Souled
Author: Diana Murdock
Genre: Young Adult: Fantasy, Young Adult: Paranormal
Format: eBook from Author
Buy: Amazon

Love. Power. Control.

The lure of having it all is strong, and when 17-year-old Seth is given the opportunity, how can he say no? And why should he? With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Seth is an easy target for the evil that invades his soul.

But love is a powerful force, and despite everything, Dani knows that the boy she fell in love with is hiding somewhere behind the darkness in his eyes, and she’s not about to give up so easily.

Time is running out and instead of having control, Seth is quickly losing it. Dani must rely the truth in her heart to pull the dark force out of Seth. But will the power of love and faith be enough to conquer evil? Or is it too late for both of them?

One boy.
One girl.
One 1500-year-old soul determined to come between them... permanently.

At first look, Diana's Souled looked like a warrior book based somewhere in Scotland. Though a little bit misleading, the contents of the book took you on a roller coaster ride! And no, not in Scotland.

I didn't remember what the book was about when I started reading it. And sometimes, that's one of the things that keeps a book interesting. It makes a book a lot more surprising and less unpredictable if you avoid allowing the blurbs to cloud your imagination.

Souled began with a beautiful Poem. And ended with a good ending that makes you yearn to read more. In Souled, Seth is an okay character though he reminded me too much of a girl that I sometimes forgot that I was reading from a males point of view. I guess, I'm too used to reading from a females perspective. The female protagonist, Dani, on the other hand, I didn't like much. She is Seth's girlfriend and immediately I sided with him more than her. Seth loves her way too much and her feelings towards him felt dull and unbalanced. Like she was confused.

The plot was very enjoyable. It's something different though all the other elements are straight from the typical YA Paranormal Formula. The best part of the plot was the fact that it was fast paced and straight forward. No strays, and no confusing details.

I really liked Souled but not the concept of having another soul take over your body. That really freaks me out. *shivers*

Souled has all the elements of a YA Paranormal Romance but with a twist. Very enjoyable and a recommended read for all YA paranormal readers.


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