
Friday, June 21, 2013

Evernight Teen's Summer Kick-off Blog Hop!

Welcome to Evernight Teen’s Summer Kick-off Blog Hop!

It’s a great opportunity to get to know Evernight Teen: Gritty Fiction for Today’s Young Adult. Our stories include fresh teen fiction that’s raw, gritty and real.

My spotlight is on S.X. Bradley’s UNRAVELED:


Sixteen year old math whiz, Autumn, spends her days reading about serial killers and dreaming of becoming an FBI Profiler. She never dreams her first case will be so personal. Her world is shattered when she comes home from school and discovers her murdered sister’s body on the living room floor. When the initial evidence points to a burglary gone wrong, Autumn challenges the police’s theory because of the personal nature of the crime. Thinking that finding the killer will bring her family back together, she conducts her own investigation using her affinity for math and forensics, but her plan backfires and her obsession with the case further splinters her family.
When her investigation reveals the killer is someone she knows, Autumn offers herself up as bait and sets a dangerous trap to unmask his true nature and to obtain a confession for her sister’s murder.
14+ for brief violence
UNRAVELED is an Evernight Teen EDITOR’ PICK!
Exclusive excerpt:
            “Everyone is staring at us.”
I moved my head off his chest and looked around. He wasn’t lying. Several partygoers were watching us, studying the Polk High School oddity.
“Don’t they have anything better to do?” I asked and then tucked my head back into the warm spot it’d just left seconds ago.
“Apparently not. Feeling mischievous?”
I cocked my head to the side. “What’d did you have in mind?”
“Want to give them something to really talk about?” His eyes targeted my lips. My stomach catapulted into my throat.
Oh God, was he thinking what I think he was? I had to find out.
“Sure, I’m up for it,” I managed to choke out. He smiled and studied my face for a minute. The anticipation was killing me. Was he going to kiss me or not?
Finally, he leaned in and kissed me in a way that made me swear I was floating. At first, his lips were wet and tender as they delivered light butterfly kisses on mine. Seconds later, I felt his mouth open, and then he used his tongue to nudge mine open. A low moan came from his throat as I opened my mouth and let him in.
I followed his lead and hoped my inexperience didn’t ruin the moment. Our tongues began to dance as slowly as our bodies did. There was something about the way he kissed me that made me feel so feminine, so soft and beautiful. Like a woman.
And as quickly as it had begun, it was over. I wanted to scream ‘No’ but then I remembered it was just a joke to rile up the crowd.
And boy had it worked. People gasped, and a chain reaction of gossip ensued. For the next hour, any time we stopped dancing, we were mobbed by somebody or other wanting to know what was going on between us. We just answered that it was private, and that made them even crazier. I loved it.
Finally, we decided to take a permanent break and found some secluded lounge chairs to sit in. I downed my Evian praying it’d cool me down since the night air was pleasantly warm for a late October evening, or was I blaming my body heat on the weather instead of on Caedon?
Caedon moved his chair close to mine, and we checked out everyone’s costumes. Some were clever, some were raunchy, and some were just plain weird. I couldn’t help but look around for Sherry to see if she was spying on Caedon and me. She was still by the beer keg, next to Clarissa who was hanging all over Voss as he pumped the keg for her.
 I was surprised to see Clarissa drinking. Even though the track season had finished, she was starting her first love, basketball, next week. At six feet tall, her height actually worked against her in track, but it was great for b-ball.
I stared at her. Why was I just now noticing how tall she was? I shifted positions in my chair, making a mental note to add Clarissa to my list of suspects.

Unraveled is available here!

What’s up for grabs?

           One lucky hopper will win a KINDLE PAPERWHITE eREADER sponsored by Evernight Teen.
           Every book blogger/reviewer site is giving away one free eBook from Evernight Teen (winner’s choice of any eBook from Evernight Teen’s website).
           Plus, each author offers their own unique prize! So visit each blog hop stop for a host of fabulous prizes to win.

How to enter? Answer this:

What did the kiss feel like?

Be sure to leave your answer and your email address in the comments below to be eligible to win a prize.

Continue hopping to the next stop!



  1. The kiss made her feel so feminine, so soft and beautiful. Like a woman. :)

  2. "so feminine, so soft and beautiful. Like a woman."


  3. What did the kiss feel like?
    Wet and tender??

    What did the kiss make HER feel like:
    a)she was floating
    b)feel so feminine, so soft and beautiful. Like a woman.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

  4. The kiss made her feel:
    a)she was floating
    b)feel so feminine, so soft and beautiful. Like a woman.

  5. The kiss made her feel like she was floating. The kiss also made her feel so feminine, so soft and beautiful. Like a woman.
    Thanks for the give away!

  6. Unraveled sounds like a great book and I'm curious to find out exactly who the killer winds up being. It sounds like a good whodunit type of story and a must for my reading list! Thank you for putting the excerpt and blurb up :D

    In answer to the question (which I almost forgot to do) the kiss first made her feel as if she were floating. Then, she began to feel so feminine as well as so soft and beautiful. That must have been a heck of a kiss!

    Thanks again and thank you also for the chance to enter the giveaway. I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night.

    Shelly H

  7. The kiss primarily made her feel as if she were floating. Then, she began to feel so feminine as well as so soft and beautiful.

    Thank You (:

  8. So feminine, so soft and beautiful. Like a woman.
    She also swore she was floating.

    Thank you for posting!

    wendynjason04 at gmail dot com

  9. Hi! Wonderful excerpt! Im hooked! And great kiss! It made her feel like she was floating, then feminine, soft & beautiful! Thank you!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love comments they're what keeps me going with this blog.