
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Review: Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert

Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert
Genre: New Adult, Romance
Format: eBook from Author
Buy Links: Amazon / Barnes and Noble


Horses, mansions, tea parties, and lies are twenty-year-old Hannah Taylor’s life. To others, her family and her relationship with Eric is perfect. But she knows the truth. She lives it.

After a fire takes her grandma's life and kills her horse, Hannah's immaculate life spirals out of control. Her father disapproves of her decision to run her grandma’s ranch instead of focusing solely on learning the family business; Animal Control brings her Argus, a mistreated horse that she can't turn away even though she's not ready for another horse; and her boyfriend, Eric Bennett, a world famous polo player, becomes possessive and authoritarian. Despite her best efforts to disguise it, Hannah grows wary of him.

Then, Leonardo Fernandes struts onto the polo scene. A cocky rookie with a messy life of his own, he’s drawn to Hannah and isn’t afraid of showing it, even when Eric makes it clear she is his and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep it that way. Hannah suffers for Eric’s jealousy. The abuse only gets worse when Leo steals the title of best polo player in the world from Eric.

But the title isn’t enough for Leo. He wants Hannah too, and she can’t deny her attraction to him either. Somehow, she must find a way to break free from abusive Eric before he breaks every bone in her body.


New Adult or NA, the newest genre to make it’s way in the market and is currently the hottest thing in the Indie sector of publishing and book blogging. I haven’t read many of NA books yet and this book marks the 3rd book I’ve read in the genre.
I’ve learned to not expect much from books since I always gave bad reviews to the books I expected way too much from. So, I read this book with zero expectations and I have to say. I loved it!
The beginning was a bit hard for me to get into, the writing seemed a bit off and I found it hard for me to click with the main character and there seemed way too much predictability but once things started picking up I went through the book really quickly. If I didn’t have 2 Jobs, I would have finished the book right before the Aug 16th.
Haygert put in domestic abuse, violence, polo (the sport) and saving animals into the story and that gave the whole book its depth and page-turning element. Though the book was based around the cliché romance, it was very unique and original in it’s own way. I even cried a few times as the main character tries to save an abused horse from itself and the heartbreaking moments between her and the man she is too scared to want.
All together, the book was a wonderful summer read. It was heart wrenching, beautiful and all together swoon-worthy. Haygert just needs to keep writing to improve the inner monologue of the main characters. So I’m confident after her fourth or fifth book, she will nail it!
4/5 Stars


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