
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Review: Shelf Life by Stephanie Lawton

Shelf Life by Stephanie Lawton
Genre: New Adult, Coming of Age
Format: eBook

*Mature situations and sexual content - recommended for ages 17+*
It’s impossible to focus on college biology when your family believes doomsday is imminent and the government is out to get you.
All Pete Wilson’s ever wanted is to become a veterinarian, but those dreams are going up in flames. Commuting to an urban college and helping his parents with their apocalyptic prepper crap is more than he can handle.
Worse, Pete’s asshole neighbor is stirring up trouble, his family’s stockpile has been destroyed and farm animals are turning up dead.
Lindsey Linger is the tomboy sister of his best friend. Now a sexy spitfire, she and Pete are liable to set the barn ablaze as their romance finally heats up. But she’s hiding a terrible secret, and rural life isn’t all bonfires and hayloft romps. That becomes clear one icy winter night when the survival of everyone Pete loves hangs in the balance.
Can Pete be the hero they need, or will this be the end of the world as he knows it?


The moment I finished Stephanie Lawton's debut novel, Want, I knew I had to read more. Shelf Life is her latest release and I've got to say, it's not your usual New Adult book and is definitely a gem. I wanted a month before I wrote this review. To be sure, I don't change my mind about the book after the buzz of how good it was wore off and I didn't. I still loved the book!

Shelf Life is the first of an entirely new series. I'm thrilled to have been one of the few who got an advanced readers copy as a gift. And I was even more thrilled when the book started out to be page-turning. Pete Wilson, our protagonist, is unique. He was introduced into the book not like the usual male lead characters that surround the current trend of Young Adult and New Adult books out there. Pete Wilson is a coward who then grows into a confident, independent man. This is definitely the something new I needed.

Pete's parents are a little strange. They have a bunker with emergency everything just in case doomsday approaches. They may be a little paranoid but as the book progresses you can't help but love them. Pete's love interest on the other hand, I wasn't too attached to. We are so into Pete's life and how fast things are happening that I didn't get the time to feel any connection to Lindsey. She's messed up and broken and even with her miserable. I still didn't warm up to her. I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with me. Aside from Pete's love interest, he has himself an evil bully who loves throwing punches and making his life a living hell. He definitely added spice to the story that's for sure.

Shelf Life is a refreshing addition to Lawton's collection of work. The book had realistic characters, beautiful writing style and the story development takes you on a wild trip of friendship, heartbreak, and family ties.

4/5 Stars


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