
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Review: Holding On Forever (Truly, Madly #2) by Cecilia Robert

Holding On Forever (Truly Madly #2) by Cecilia Robert
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Novella

Buy Links: Amazon


Liese is finally moving on with Frey by her side. But sometimes letting go is the hardest part, and trusting is a risk one has to take. In between her practicum and spending time with Frey whenever he is town, she fights her insecurities, and wins. Then something happens and Frey's priorities momentarily shift, making her second guess their relationship. Suddenly, going back to their former best friends status has never looked so appealing.

Frey's life has never shined so bright now that Liese is his. But there is a part of him that is shrouded by memories he'd rather have them buried where no one can touch them. Not even him. But even buried memories and people can't stay hidden for forever. What Liese doesn't know is that Frey isn't about to let go so easily, and he will throw in everything he's got to stop her from leaving him. He has waited an eternity for her. Giving her up is not an option.


I read the first novella of this and loved it so much that I asked the author if she was planning to write a sequel. And I was so relieved when she said yes.

The first book had so much angst, fluff and young love while Holding On Forever gives you passion, depth and a whole lot more. And I am freaking happy at how much “loving” Frey and Liese are getting and so much more when I figured out that these books may end up having a spin off, if the author isn’t thinking about it, I think she should! (hint hint).

Anyways, I loved seeing a deeper and more realistic side to Frey and Liese’s relationship. I loved how the books were paced and how the author managed to put in some twists here and there but for some reason, I felt that the dialogue was a little too formal? Or it just might be the writing style. I can’t remember if it was the same in the first book.

Overall, I definitely loved this book. It’s romantic, passionate and perfect for all those hopeless romantic readers out there. It was a beautiful conclusion to the Truly Madly Series. Highly recommended.

4 out of 5 date trees

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