
Friday, March 21, 2014

New Release + Excerpt: Bad Girlfriend by Kirsten Demuzio

Excerpt - Adam’s POV 
I was overwhelmed with the urge to show her that good guys did exist, and that I was one of them.  But that’s not what she needed right now.
When we were done eating, I threw the pizza box in the fridge.  Brooke poured another round of shots for us, and this time I did mine at the same time as her, with my eyes closed.
“So, you know my story.  Now it’s your turn.”
Brooke shrugged one slender shoulder and picked at the blanket with her pale yellow fingernails.  I looked to her toes and saw they were painted in a matching shade.  At first glance, everything about this girl screamed high maintenance.  Yet, here she sat on my bed, eating pizza out of a box, drinking tequila shots and seemed to be perfectly comfortable doing it.
“There’s not much to tell.  I grew up here with Gram.  My mom was only sixteen when I was born and was too young to handle raising a kid.  She comes and goes, but mostly goes.  I went to cosmetology school after high school, and I do hair at Loraine’s Luscious Locks.”  She winced as she said that last part.  “I hate that name.  Luscious is such a weird word.”
I laughed.  “Do you like what you do?”
“Yeah, I really do.  I’m good at it.  I like making people feel good about themselves.  It’s not brain surgery, but I like it.”
“You don’t have to save lives to be doing something important.  I’m sure a good haircut can do more for a woman’s self-esteem than twenty sessions with a psychiatrist.”
“That’s probably true,” Brooke said, tilting her head to the side as she studied me.
“What?”  I asked, thinking I must have pizza sauce smeared on my face or something.
She narrowed her eyes.  “Are you gay?”
“What?”  I repeated.  This conversation was not going where I thought it would.
“It’s just that you’re so…nice.  And you seem to really understand women.”
I snorted.  “I assure you, Brooke, I am not gay.  And I absolutely do not understand women.  Your species is a complex and unsolvable mystery to me.”
She giggled and reached for the tequila bottle again.  When we both had our shots in hand, she held hers up.  “To new friends.”
I clinked my glass against hers.  “To new friends.”
That’s the last thing I have any clear memory of…

Title: Bad Girlfriend (First and Last #4) 
Author: Kirsten DeMuzio
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: March 18, 2014

Brooke Mills has only ever wanted to be loved. The product of a teenage pregnancy and raised by her grandmother, Brooke went looking for love in all the wrong places. She has been the other woman or someone’s dirty little secret more times than she cares to admit. When Brooke’s questionable judgment lands her in the bed of her new neighbor, it’s the wakeup call she needs to change her ways. With the help of her friends, Brooke is determined to find a nice guy. Adam Branigan is new in town, and despite the way he and Brooke met, Adam knows there’s more to the beautiful redhead than meets the eye. He wants to be the guy to show Brooke that she deserves more than late night booty calls. But will outside pressures and past relationships conspire to keep them apart? 

**This book is intended for a mature audience, age 18 and older, due to language and explicit content. 

I am an author of new adult and contemporary romance novels. My husband and I live in Columbus, Ohio with our two young daughters and happy golden retriever. When I’m not spending time with my family, I can be found doing one of my other favorite activities - writing, reading and napping.

Connect with Kirsten: Facebook | Blog | Goodreads | Pinterest

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