
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Review: Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4) by Richelle Mead

Goodreads Summary: After the massacre at Vampire Academy, Rose Hathaway faces the most task of her life and she knows that she must do it alone. With Mason departed for the other world, Rose must hunt down and kill Dimitri Belikov, the man she most loves. The fourth nail-biting episode of Richelle Mead's popular vampire series dramatically shows the fatal power of a promise.

Review: Once again, I'm left with my jaw on the floor. I have no clue whats going to happen next and its going to drive me crazy. This is such a wonderful series! 

This is by far my favorite series of all time. I simply have no words for this. Plot twists, the emotional patches left in the book just kept reeling me in. I could not put the book down. To be frank I didn't want to. This is such an amazing series and it gets better and better each time. 

Who ever thinks otherwise is CRAZY and completely BLIND. 

This 4th installment had me gasping and OMG-ing. Rose is such an amazing character. I want to be a guardian now!

Overall, it was an amazing book! 5 stars for this installment, it never failed to disappoint me. 


  1. Wauw.. After your reviews I really want to get started on this series. But don´t know if it´s a good idea. Because I only got the first book. and I would probably love it just as much as you. And then it would be sad not to be able to continue reading xD
    You have read them really fast :)
    And great reviews :) Love that they are not too long and don´t reveal anything :D

  2. @MoonStar: Yea, thats probably a bad idea to get started with it when you only have the first book. >.< I've got up till the 5th book and I'm already going crazy waiting for the 6th to be available here. >.> Yeah, I couldn't help it! I wanted to know what happens next! :D Yep, I like them short and straight to the point sometimes. :DDD Thanks for the comment!

  3. Can´t you just order it from or
    They have free delivery in the whole world. I think :)

    I like it that way to :P
    And guess I will wait.. Or maybe just buy all the books in January xD If I can efford it :P

  4. Aww I'm glad someone else loves them just as much as I do. I love this series and is by far my favorite. I'm sad to have read the end. :( Hopefully Bloodlines will give me my fix of the VA Characters though.

    Definitely short, sweet, and to the point lol. Mine tend to be drawn out. hummm

  5. @AngelicNytmare: Yeah, I can't believe it has ended. T-T Yeah, hopefully Bloodlines will be as good as VA. :D

    Yea, I try to keep it short otherwise I'll probably add in some major spoilers. :D


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