
Monday, January 31, 2011

Review: Hourglass (Evernight #3) by Claudia Gray

Title:  Hourglass (Evernight #3)
Author: Claudia Gray
Read: 30.1.11
Finished: 31.1.11

Goodreads Synopsis: Bestselling author Claudia Gray’s Evernight series continues. In Hourglass, Bianca and Lucas have found a way to be together. But it means lying to the people who care about them the most.

- took out some spoilers-

Hourglass, the third book in this gripping vampire series by the author of the New York Times bestseller Stargazer, has all the romance, suspense, and page-turning drama that have made Claudia Gray’s books runaway successes.

Review: Okay, I'm kind of stuck with this review because its late, my eyes feel constricted and I have uni tomorrow. *le sigh* But I will try my best to write at least a good review for your pleasure.

I was pretty excited to start reading Hourglass even though I wasn't too enthusiastic about the first book.

The events in this 3rd installment were more whole and exciting to the extent that I couldn't stop reading. Though the series started out with a book that was very predictable; Gray's writing slowly improved and became more unpredictable. The tension between Bianca and Lucas completely took me by surprise and it kept me wondering whether or not they'll actually make it together (not that their relationship is failing or anything like that)

Even though I was completely rooting for Balthazar to be the main hottie. It didn't happen much. *disappointment* You can't have everything you want now can you? I really love Vic and Ranulf. Their characters just crack me up so much and I love how weird and laid back they both are. Especially Vic. Hes just so freaking cool! I heart you Vic!

I think the only character that annoyed me the most is Raquel. Shes just stupid sometimes. Just her overall pessimistic attitude makes me want to go on a murder spree. Lol.

Overall, I never thought a third book of the series would actually be unputdownable mostly its either just the first and then fades with each book or goes on throughout the series or never happens in a series. But I'm glad this was something different. Honestly, I rather found this book to be very unique in different ways. Though the writing seemed a bit rushed. Gray's work still is great. I can't wait to get my hands on Afterlife! I can not believe what a huge cliffhanger Claudia left behind! This book was unputdownable! 4/5 stars!! :D



  1. Ooh, I'm glad to hear this one was much better than the first two. I'm beginning to think I should start reading this series again. Anyhow, thanks for the great review!

  2. Oh I have yet to read this one in the series I kind of slacked off after the first two, buty I'm glad to know this is better then the first two I might just have to put it higher on my list. I'm interested to see what the author is gonna do with the Balthazar spin off.


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