
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Teaser Tuesday #5

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading, wherein we share teasers (not spoilers) from the books we're currently reading.

Yay! Its Tuesday again! I've been reading Last Sacrifice. I just started it so I'll give you something from the beginning. 

"It's going to be okay," he murmured, his look of worry returning. "This'll work. We can do this." - page 40

Whats on your Teaser Tuesday? Let me know below! I love commenting on your Teaser Tuesdays. :D



  1. OMG Last Sacrifice !!!!!!! Thanks for your teaser Naj, thanks to your I want to re read the whole series !! =)

  2. Thanks for the teaser. This is the last Vampire Academy book I need to read, and I can't wait for it.

  3. Hey Naj! That is a good teaser, and also from the one book in the series I haven't read yet :)
    How are you liking it?
    Visit my Diana Wynn Jones teaser at e-Volving Books

  4. I've only read book one so far, but I just won this, and I can't wait to continue in the series! Great teaser! :)

  5. More VA xD God I feel so slow. Not picked them up yet.
    But there are just so many books so little time :P

    Please check out my teaser this week:

  6. Great teaser! What happens next? :) I have to read these books! Haven't even started on the first. :(

    Here's my post.

  7. I've given you the "Stylish Blogger Award!" Congratulations, I love reading your blog.

  8. Great teaser. :) I won this book and it sounds amazing, but I have to start at the beginning. :)So I will be getting the series some time here. :)

  9. Oh that's a great teaser! I haven't started this series yet - maybe this summer :) Thanks for sharing...

    My teaser can be found at Pineapples & Pyjamas


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love comments they're what keeps me going with this blog.