
Monday, February 7, 2011

Irresistibly Sweet Award - Check it! You might be awarded!

This is very unexpected! I just recently commented on a post about this award on a different blog and bam! I get awarded too.! :D Awwwwh! Thank you so much Amber over at Awesomesauce Book Club.You just made my morning! *hugs*

So to accept we have to share 4 guilty pleasures and pass the award along to 6 other sweet blogs.

Guilty Pleasure

1. Young Adult Books : I know this is like every ones guilty pleasure! But its different for me since maybe its just me in my whole group of friends so in love with the genre and every time I mention Books they roll their eyes at me and sigh. I love books *pouts* They make me happy.

2. Buffalo Wings: I simply love love love buffalo wings! I've tried them in almost all the places I go to and I can't get enough! Yum. I want some now.

3. Strategy Games / Stronghold : The game. Yes. I still play video games and love it. I know Stronghold is like 5 years old or something but its still awesome!

4. Asian Drama's : I love Asian Drama! Japanese, Korean, Chinese even Filipino (Even though the acting sucks sometimes)! But I love Japanese the most! :D I even know how to speak the language a little! :D

Blogs I'll be awarding this too are: 

1. Elodie @ Once upon a Quote
2. Moonstar @ Moonstar's Fantasy World
3. T.B. @ From The Bookshelf of T.B. 
4. Ashley @ Bookaholics Annonymous
5. Melissa @ I swim for Oceans
6. BLHMistress @ Book Lovers Hideaway 

You guys don't need to post this up or mention it on your blog! I just thought of just awarding you guys because you are awesome! :D 



  1. Thanks a lot for the reward :) Your so sweet :)

    And damn.. you made me all hungry on buffalo wings xD haha shame on you ;) xD haha

  2. Thanks for this awesome award Naj !! I've never eaten Buffalo Wings, I must sound like a freak, but we haven't got these in France (we may have it but it doesn't go by this name ..) and it looks delicious !!

  3. MoonStar! You're very welcome my dear! You deserve it! :D Oopsie! :D Hehehehe.
    Elodie, Thankies my dear! :D That is weird indeed. I think its probably in a different name. :D Its an American dish or I think it is.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love comments they're what keeps me going with this blog.