
Saturday, April 9, 2011

On My Wishlist #15

On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It's where I list all the books I desperately want but haven't actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. It's also an event that you can join in with too - Mr Linky is always at the ready for you to link your own 'On My Wishlist' post. If you want to know more click HERE.

Goodreads Synopsis of Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires #1) by Rachel Cain: 
"From the author of the popular Weather Warden series comes the debut of an exciting new series set in Morganville, Texas, where you would be well advised to avoid being out after dark.

College freshman Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation. When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life, but they'll have Claire's back when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood." - Linkage

I want this series so bad. -.- I was influenced by Amber at the AwesomeSauce Bookclub. Haha. Its true. I want to read it. I have a feeling I would love this series as much as I loved the Vampire Academy series. :D

Whats on your wishlist? Let me know below. :D



  1. I've been wanting to read these books too! :)


  2. I actually have the first three books of this series but I've never got round to reading them! They do look good though! :)

  3. I have an idea that these books are awesome too. Need to read them. I own the first one :) need to get to it soon :p

  4. I have the first two books in my pile but I want to wait to have all the books before starting to read the series !! =)

  5. This is another series I've been getting around to reading. LOL Hope you get to read these soon :)

    On My Wishlist

  6. I have this whole series. Hopefully I will get to reading it soon! I hope you get them soon too.

  7. I keep wanting to read Glass Houses and I always have to remind myself that it is one of the last books in a series I haven't read yet :/

    Here's my wishlist post this week:

  8. I finished Feast of Fools earlier this year, so I'm behind. I kind of slowed my pace reading them and haven't found momentum to get back into it. Let me know what you think of them!

    Here's mine:

    Btw, I'm a new follower ^_^

  9. I too would like to read this series. I hope you get these books and they are everything you hope them to be. Check out what is On My Wishlist this week.

  10. i haven't heard of this series yet, but it sounds like a worthy "checking out" time. i wish you'll get to read all of 'em. :)

  11. I'm way, way behind, I only just got her Weather Warden series and haven't had time to glance at it yet. :) I've heard good things about this one, which is why I picked up that one when I saw it at Borders.

    Hope you get to grab all of these soon!

    My Wishlist

  12. I haven't had time to read this series yet, but looks good though!

  13. This series is on my wishlist as well. I actually own the first three, but I haven't had the chance to read them yet.

  14. Oh, I want to read that series,too. Sounds really good. Read a lot series lately but I am tired of it yet!


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