
Sunday, July 31, 2011

July Cover Reveals!

Don't you just love the looking at these covers all together? :D 

Which ones your fave? Mines Pure & The Calling!

In My Mailbox #20

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post all books we have received where in the mail, bought or got from the library.

For Review

Ashlyn's Radio by Wilson Doherty
Darwin's Children by Natasha Larry

Bought from Charity Event:

Everythings Eventual by Stephen King
Sweet Revenge by Nora Robers
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

Thats all I got for this week! What did you guys get? :D 


Saturday, July 30, 2011

On My Wishlist #21

 and runs every Saturday. It's where I list all the books I desperately want but haven't actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. It's also an event that you can join in with too - Mr Linky is always at the ready for you to link your own 'On My Wishlist' post. If you want to know more click 

Summary from Maria Rachel Hooley's Official Site:

Could you ask someone to sacrifice her life for yours?

Olivia Classen is distraught over her missing and presumed dead twin sister. She is so distraught that she almost kills herself. Logan Renwar, head of the vampire counsel, saves her from a tumble off a bridge and helps her unravel the mystery surrounding Ashley Classen’s death. But he hides a darker secret—that he seeks Olivia’s blood to make him human again. Neither of them is counting on falling in love, and Logan will discover that existence isn’t defined by mortality or immortality but by Olivia. The question is, once she discovers his intentions and the truth of Ashley’s murder, will she be able to shake the darkness threatening to destroy her.

Comments: Squee! I made the cover and I summary makes me wish I had the book already. Its not out yet but I can't wait for it. :D


Friday, July 29, 2011

Bookshelf Showcase #6

BookShelf Show Case is a once a month meme hosted by AwesomeSauce Book Club You can show off your personal book shelf or another book shelf you find really fun or that you love.

Read pile. :D 

The Read pile is at the back. :D While my TBR books are in the front or on top of the read pile.

I just love keeping track of what my bookshelf looks like to see what I managed to get and stuff since last month. :D 

Status: July 2011

My Monthly Status

Books Read: 9
50/100 books. 6 books behind -.-


To catch up I'll be reading the rest of the Narnia books since they're small. Keeping an average of reading 200 pages a day would allow me to finish 3-4 books a week. :D

Books I've read this Month:

  1. Nevermore (Nevermore #1) by Kelly Creagh
  2. Passion (Fallen #3) by Lauren Kate
  3. Entice (Need #3) by Carrie Jones
  4. Across the Universe (Across the Universe #1) by Beth Revis
  5. Haven (Haven #1) by Kristi Cook
  6. Forsaken (The Demon Trappers #1) by Jana Oliver
  7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
  8. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling 
  9. Personal Demons (Personal Demons #1) by Lisa Desrochers
Review List 

Favorite Book of the Month:

Interviews this month: 
  1. Sherry Soule (Beautifully Broken)
  2. Maria Rachel Hooley (Sojourner Series)

Goals to Complete by the end of August:
  1. Read at least 20 more books
  2. Comment more on other blogs
  3. Participate in more meme's
  4. Make at least 2 Re-Covers

Review: Personal Demons (Personal Demons #1) by Lisa Desrochers

Title: Personal Demons (Personal Demons #1)
Author: LIsa Desrochers
Started: 26/7/2011
Finished: 28/7/2011
Goodreads | Review List | Book Depository


Frannie Cavanaugh is a good Catholic girl with a slight bad girl streak. She spends years blaming herself for an awful accident and keeps everyone at a distance because she believes love doesn’t exist. Until Luc Cain enrolls into her school and like other girls in school she can’t seem to stay away from him.
What she doesn’t know is that Luc is on a mission to tag her soul for Hell. Thing is He’s a First Level Demon and he seems to be the only demon who can find her hidden by a Celestial shield. But he has to work fast before the Celestials shows up and tags her soul for Heaven first.

As Gabriel appears to tag Frannie for heaven, both boys are getting more than just her soul. And looks like Luc’s failure will not end well with Hell. 


The book immediately started with sarcasm (which is a great start) from our first protagonist Luc. He’s dark, handsome and oh so devilish so to speak. He makes girls fawn over him and he doesn’t fail doing the same to Frannie. As he begins his crusade to tag Frannie’s soul by making her sin with one of the 7 deadly sins he begins to feel different and by that he began “feeling” which is bad since demons don’t feel what humans feel like love, hurt, angst, sadness, etc.

The plot progresses and gets a little deeper as Luc’s rival arrives in his white gloriousness. Gabriel is the embodiment of joy and love and between these two boys who keep popping out where ever Frannie is. Frannie can’t decide who she likes best which annoys me. Frannie becomes indecisive and unsure about everything despite her strong will and self-control and at one point she began to look more like the demon than Luc is.

She struggles with both boys and the boys struggle with her. Tagging becomes difficult for the boys, the longer they are around Frannie. Things continue on and slowly I think- “Wait, I’ve read this somewhere before” the love bits become more scripted and more like almost every other book but the best thing about this one is that we’re reading it not only from Frannie’s point of view but Luc’s as well. I enjoyed reading how a demon starts feeling and realizes what he feels is really love and its safe to say the descriptions of his feelings are really note worthy and I praise Desrochers for that.

Despite the books usual love triangle and indecisive heroines a reader would find this read unique in its own way and with Luc’s POV the story has become more interesting and even unputdownable because a reader can’t help but want to know what happens next with Luc.


Well, I thought it would be better than it really is but that's my fault for putting too much on the book. :D Oops! I still loved the book. Especially Luc! MY GOD! I love him. -.- Line! You have to read this book just for Luc. He soo yum! Haha. Have you read this book already? Let me know what you think of it.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Review: Forsaken (The Demon Trappers #1) by Jana Oliver

Title: Forsaken (The Demon Trappers #1)
Author: Jana Oliver
Started: 24/7/2011
Finished: 26/7/2011
Goodreads | Review List | Book Depository


Riley is the seventeen-year-old daughter of the legendary Demon Trapper, Paul Blackthorne. And just like that she wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps and become one of the first female demon trappers and since human society is immensely disrupted by the eruption of Lucifer’s demons in all the major cities the local Trappers’ Guild allowed all the help they can get.

Then slowly all hell breaks lose in Riley’s life. Tragedies strike and she is then left alone to fend for herself with her father’s former apprentice Beck and her fellow apprentice Demon Trapper, Simon, who she both cares for a little too much; then there’s the mysterious Ori who loves coming to her rescue.

As she spins into a dangerous path to save a life more important than her own she begins a whole new chapter of adventure, action and love.


Forsaken is an amazing beginning to an action-packed urban series.

It begins in an urban ‘men rule all’ city where metal is scarce and valuable. Riley is on a job to trap a demon in a college library and everyone crowds around her while she does her job, like seeing a demon around is completely normal. It gives a reader such a different world to view and read about where seeing demons steal shiny things and demons in dirty alleys are usual everyday happenings.

Things get interesting as Riley learns more about the demons and how to trap them using magic filled spheres despite the Trappers’ Guild’s protest against her recruitment into the job, Riley fights her way in trying to prove that a girl can trap a demon as much as a guy can. As life goes on for Riley, she often mentions how she misses her Mac laptop and other technology which is common for us and not so much for them anymore since the demons started running around stealing shiny stuff and eating people. Imagine living like that.

As the story continues it never ceases to be action filled and exciting. Especially for our heroine who is tough, smart, and shows she really can take care of herself (most of the time).
As her world crashes around her, she shows the reader how hard life can be in her world as she fends for herself against the normal high school bullies and trying to find a way to pay her rent and her dead mothers hospital bills.

To state the obvious, Jana Oliver has one of the best writing a reader would find in the Young Adult Genre. Oliver has in her hands “The Next Big Thing”. Though the book wasn’t so romantically focused Oliver manages to make up for it by writing such a captivating unique book with action filled scenes and so much more. 


Teaser Tuesday #18

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading, wherein we share teasers (not spoilers) from the books we're currently reading.

Riley Blackthorne just needs a chance to prove herself – and that’s exactly what the demons are counting on… Seventeen-year-old Riley, the only daughter of legendary Demon Trapper, Paul Blackthorne, has always dreamed of following in her father's footsteps.  The good news is, with human society seriously disrupted by economic upheaval and Lucifer increasing the number of demons in all major cities, Atlanta’s local Trappers’ Guild needs all the help they can get – even from a girl. When she’s not keeping up with her homework or trying to manage her growing crush on fellow apprentice, Simon, Riley’s out saving distressed citizens from foul-mouthed little devils – Grade One Hellspawn only, of course, per the strict rules of the Guild. Life’s about as normal as can be for the average demon-trapping teen. But then a Grade Five Geo-Fiend crashes Riley’s routine assignment at a library, jeopardizing her life and her chosen livelihood.  And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, sudden tragedy strikes the Trappers’ Guild, spinning Riley down a more dangerous path than she ever could have imagined. As her whole world crashes down around her, who can Riley trust with her heart – and her life?

Teaser: "As if on cue, her boyfriend reappeared, empty `holy Water jugs in his hands. He set them just outside the circle. Then he smiled and beckoned her to join him."- Pg 362

Whats on you're Teaser Tuesday this week? 

Beautifully Broken Blog Tour: Interview/Giveaway with Sherry Soule

Fellow Book Bloggers for the first time on my blog I'd like to present to you a Blog Tour post of Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule with an Interview and the blogs first giveaway! 

Lets welcome Sherry Soule everyone and her awesome Debut Novel!

1. What inspired you to write BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN?

I’ve always had a morbid fascination with haunted houses and ghosts. I love all things supernatural, and I knew the market was flooded with vampires, fairies, angels, shapeshifters, and werewolves, so I decided to make my heroine a sassy witch. Because witches need love too!
The story ARC took a different twist once I decided to add magick to the plot. And it was super fun. The story came alive and I found my “voice.” As a result of adding a witchy theme, I wanted my main characters to live in a spooky town, which gave birth to the idea of the setting: Whispering Pines, California near Muir Woods. A foggy, cursed town full of secrets. The perfect place to set my story. I also have a blog devoted to its haunted history.
2. How long did it take you to write BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN?

About a year and 50 drafts!

3. What particular place do you write in? Coffee Shop? Home?

Home. My workspace is surrounded by books and art. I write in a built-on family. Since it the extra room was built without a foundation, I get a lot of creepy-crawlers. Not to mention, there is a forest area behind my house. So far, I’ve had a bat, wolf spider (this spiders are HUGE), salamander, lizard, slugs, black widow spider, and a centipede. These creatures tend to entertain my cat, but totally freak me out. LOL

3. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

First Young adult, then the Paranormal Romance section.

4. Paperback or Hardback? Why?

Paperback. Easier to hold.

5. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

I still have a fondness for the narrator in Flowers in the Attic Cathy Dollanganger by the late author, V. C. Andrews.

6. What is your weakness? Books, Food, etc.

Books and shoes. There is rumor that I am seriously addicted to buying shoes and books …well, the latter might be true. But hey, a girl can never have too many shoes to wear or books to read!

6. State 5 random facts about yourself.

Goofy. Perfectionist. Introverted. Dorklicious. Considerate.

7. What are you currently reading?

Other by Karen Kincy.

8. While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?

Not much, but I sweat over dialogue more than anything else.

9. Your favorite Genre?

YA – Paranormal Romance

10. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

2 to 3 books

11. Do you prefer reading Adult or Young Adult paranormal books?

Doesn’t matter—I love both!

12. Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN and why readers should pick it up?

There are enough vamp, angel, werewolf, fae, and shapeshifter young adult novels saturating the market. I think it’s time, in my humble opinion for more witchy stories.

(When I saw the announcement for the CW’s new TV series inspired by author L. J. smith, “The Secret Circle,” I knew I was on the right path.)
About this YA series:

Quirky, Shiloh Ravenwolf is a sixteen-year-old heritage witch. She lives in the gloomy town of Whispering Pines, where teenagers have mystically disappeared for over ten years. When construction on Ravenhurst Manor unleashes a sinister evil, the body count rises. And Shiloh's would-be boyfriend is next on the supernatural hit list. Shiloh decides it's her duty and Destiny (Yes, with a capital "D") to find out what is causing the unexplained phenomena.


Beautifully Broken E-Book (PDF Format) 


Must be a follower of Sherry Soule's Blog and my blog 
Must be over 13 years of age 


Comment below with your:
Blogger/GFC Name
Link to where you have tweeted or spread the word
and Twitter username (if you have one)

Good Luck everyone! :D 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

In My Mailbox #19

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post all books we have received where in the mail, bought or got from the library.


Heavenly by Jennifer Laurens (from author for my birthday)
Released by Megan Duncan (signed) (from author) (Review)
Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers (from Moonstar *hugs* also a birthday present)

What did you get for your In My Mailbox this week? Let me know with a comment below! :D


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Review: Haven by Kristi Cook

Title: Haven
Author: Kristi Cook
Started: 17/7/2011
Finished: 21/7/2011
Goodreads | Review List


After Violet McKenna’s father’s death, she is looking for a new start and Winterhaven, a Co-Ed boarding school seemed like the place to do it. Soon after the end of her first day Violet discovers the school’s secret; all the students in Winterhaven have psychic abilities. Cliché? No, it gets better, Violet meets a mysterious, alluring boy named Aidan and she’s never been this connected with anyone the way she is with Aidan. As their relationship deepens so does Violets visions. She begins to see vivid images of Aidan’s death. As it intensifies, she sees herself as the cause of his death and now she wants nothing more than to stop it.


A reader would think that this debut is a little bit too cliché but there’s no harm in trying it out like I did.

It began with a tragedy and of course moving way from this tragedy (literally). As Violet moves into Winterhaven she is convinced it’s just like every other school, normal. Oh, how she is wrong. It wasn’t as cool as X-Men but it will possibly get there in the next few books in the series.

Violet at first would annoy a reader with her usual overwhelming feelings and angst but as the story develops she grows on you and so does all the secondary characters who are less overwhelming. As the plot thickens things get pretty predictable but it still manages to be unique in its own way and still makes the reader go “Oh, come on! You can’t be serious?!” Yes, there’s an unexpected bit to this.

To top it all off, Haven was written cleanly (literally). It was so easy and fast to read. This book has its shiny unexpected moments that young readers would love. Clearly it was unputdownable further than that it’s a 3/5 stars read.

Further Comments: I'm confused is this book a stand alone book or a series? I've been reading reviews around and most have mentioned it being a series but on Goodreads it doesn't say "Haven #1" like it should when its a series. Oh well!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's Monday! What are you reading? #25

This is a weekly meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through A World Of Books. It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

What I'm reading:

What I've read:

What are you reading this monday?
