
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blog Tour: Review/Giveaway The Rising Moon by Nilsa Rodriguez


How many lives must you live to realize that love is stronger than time and death?

Orphaned at the age of five, Angelia (Lia) Lafosse was left with questions about whom and what she truly was. One thing was clear. Lia was different…some might even say cursed.

With the help of her best friend, Ryan Woodruff, she begins to unlock the secrets of her families past and discover answers that prove more startling than she ever imagined. Not only was she a werewolf, but a reincarnation of the immortal werewolf, a werewolf with immense powers beyond any of her kind. A werewolf that if discovered by the Lobison’s to have returned, can jeopardize both Lia and those she love.

Torn between Lyle Ulric, the charming werewolf whose bloodline is as ancient and powerful as her own. And Adam Ambrose, the mysterious and alluring vampire who’s determined not to allow fate or anyone tear their love apart again.

Lia has to make a choice… Destiny or Love…Run or Fight…Live or Die


The beginning started out with the main character waking up during a rainy night, which is a new change for the YA Paranormal’s usual novel opening on the first day of school. That's when I realized for sure that I would like and enjoy the book and I did.

Our protagonist Lia is awakened by her foster parent, John during a rainy night when one of their horses escaped and it turns out it wasn’t one of their horses. Things begin to get really weird around Lia as she begins Senior year. Lia is a closed person who tends to brush off everyone who wants to be friends with her. As the story continues she becomes stronger, and a courageous character. Though when it came to love I found her interests shifting from one guy to another too fast and too abrupt that I found it the whole love thing in the book unrealistic. But it still managed to entertain me! :D

The plot was a strong one involving topics that are not always told in the genre but somewhat new like the character combinations for one. You’ll get what I mean here when you read the book and you should! The transitions between scenes were kind of choppy and the descriptions began to confuse me no matter how many times I read the line. Being the first book of Rodriguez it is expected but she makes up for it with the great plot, unexpected scenes and strong characters. I’m looking forward to reading more from her and she how she progresses in her writing!

E-Book available at: HERE
Goodreads: HERE
Facebook page: HERE

E-book Copy of The Rising Moon

How to Enter and the Rules:

You must be 13 and over
You must be a follower of my blog.
Winner’s will be announced on the 21st of September
Fill out the form here


Nilsa Rodriguez Author of The Rising Moon will also be giving away dream catchers that match the ones described in the book. To enter, participants have to comment on one or more of the tour stops with their name and email address. They can comment up to once on each tour stop.

NEXT STOP @ YA-AHOLIC  for an Author Interview



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Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love comments they're what keeps me going with this blog.