
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blog Tour: Interview + Giveaway Deadman's Blood by T. Lynne Tolles

Everyone! Please Welcome, T. Lynne Tolles! 


All my life I’ve been fascinated with vampires, werewolves, witches and monsters. Maybe it was all those late night ‘Creature Features’, or maybe I’m just a bit odd. Either way, I just can’t put a good vampire or witch book down - magic, goth, wizards, and fairies - they’re all good. 

I never intended on being an author. It had never my life’s dream to write or be published, but after reading a stack of books in June and July of 2009, I got an idea. ‘Hmmm. I wonder if I could write a book about vampires? There’d have to be vampires, werewolves, and maybe some witches just to make it interesting.’

And just to talk myself into it, I thought it might be a good way for my teenage daughter to see that if you set your mind to something, even a goofy old mom could accomplish something. Three weeks later ‘Blood of a Werewolf’ was complete.

That’s when I got the bug. I couldn’t stop. Can you say ‘addiction?’ Immediately I jumped into ‘Blood Moon’ finishing it in late August 2009. ‘Blood Lust’ was finished in early May 2010. The fourth book ‘Bloodstone Heart’ was completed in August 2010 and the fifth and final book of the series was completed in June 2011.

1. What inspired you to write?
I was hoping to inspire my teenage daughter to try her hand at a graphic novel by seeing that if I could write a book, she most certainly could.  (Naj's Note: Thats so sweet!)

2. Have you ever had writers block while writing? If so how'd you get over it?

I have and very badly with Deadman’s Blood. I had received a number of bad reviews on another book and was considering giving up writing all together. What turned that around were the fan letters wanting to know when the next book was coming out. They were so excited and determined to find out what happened to the characters that it inspired me to push through the rough spots.  (Naj's Note: I'm glad you came back! Never give up. )

3. How long does it take you to write?

It depends, but usually about three to six months, but this depends on how much my life gets in the way – it has a nasty way of sneaking up on you, especially around the holidays.

4. What particular place do you write in? Coffee Shop? Home?

I write at home and mostly on my bed…I know, weird, huh?!

5. You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?

The fiction section, (usually the young adult fiction)…that is unless I’m doing research and I need a book on witches, demons or some other mythical creature.

6. Paperback or Hardback? Why?

Love a Hardback…Love the sound of the spine cracking open that very first time and the feel of the hard cover when I have a ‘Death Grip’ on it during a tense scene. (Naj's Note: Haha, I'm always giving my book a 'Death Grip')

7. In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?

Boy…that’s a hard one. I’m not sure I have an ABSOLUTE favorite, so I’ll just have to mention the ones that first pop into my head. Alexander – the vampire in Ellen Schreiber’s Vampire Kisses series is one. He doesn’t whine about being a monster or have this “poor me” attitude as some vampires do. I like that. And in L.J. Smith’s Vampire Diaries Series (long before the tv series) I fell for Damon Salvatore. He’s a bad boy with a heart even though he likes to pretend he doesn’t care, he really does and I find him intriguing. I had always kind of hoped he and Bonnie would hook up in the books. (Naj's Note: I LOVE DAMON! He sooo *swoon*) 

8. State 5 random facts about yourself.

1. When I’m nervous: I bite my nails and joke a lot.

2. I am the NAP Queen. I think I must have been a cat in a past life.

3. I’m a sucker for romantic comedies

4. Love, Love, Love… Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia

5. I’m rather gullible.

9. What are you currently reading?

I have several books on my nightstand, but I haven’t started any of them just yet: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake and Legend of Witchtrot Road by E. J. Stevens

10. Your favorite Genre?

Young Adult Paranormal Romance

11. How many books in a month do you tend to read?

Sometimes I go through a bunch, then don’t touch a book for six months… Depends on my mood and where I am in the writing process, but I don’t usually read more than one a month and usually less. However my TBR pile is sky high!

12. Heres your chance to market your book. Describe your book and why readers should pick it up?

Deadman’s Blood brings together all the friends and family that have been brought together throughout the Blood Series and involves them all in solving a prophecy about the Larsen family and the Ancient Ones (thought to be the first vampire family on record). It has its own very interesting story, but it also brings to light many underlying mysteries from the past and from previous books. The characters are all very endearing and likeable. The bond they all have for one another is something we can all strive for in our own lives. (Naj's Note: I'll totally pick this one up. :D)

Thank you Ms. Tolles for the awesome interview! It was fun to read. 
Watch out for her books! 
eBook of Deadman's Blood


Must be a follower of my blog
Must be over 13 years of age 
ENDS November 13th, 2011

Comment below with your:
Blogger/GFC Name:
Link to where you have tweeted or spread the word
and Twitter username (if you have one)




  1. Naj...Thanks so much for hosting this stop on the tour. Loved your comments on my answers. Have a great day.

  2. Looks interesting :)

    Great interview :D enjoyed reading it :)


  3. Thank you for participating in this awesome tour and giveaway opportunity. I have had my eye on this series and cannot wait to read it. I enjoyed the interview very much. I am new to your site and have signed up to follow your lovely blog and look forward to sharing more about awesome books:)
    GFC - Denise Zaky


  4. I have been following DEADMAN'S BLOOD around and loving it.




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