
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Quick Review: Vampire Blues (Lian and Figg #2) by Stephany Simmons

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: Vampire Blues (Lian and Figg #2)
Author: Stephany Simmons
Started: 29/12/11
Finished: 31/12/11
Medium: eBook
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Goodreads Synopsis: Lian and Figg are still recovering from events that almost destroyed their lives, but when a good friend comes to them with a serious problem, they can't turn him away. Soon, Lian and Figg are neck-deep in local vampire politics and framed for a massacre they had little to do with. On top of that, the local werewolf pack is sniffing around, looking for favors.

As soon as Stephany (the author) sent me an email about reading and reviewing the sequel to the series. I was ecstatic and immediately accepted and the second I got the eBook, I sent it to my kindle and started reading it. I would have finished it in one sitting but work had gotten in the way of it.

This little novella is a perfect mix of everything a reader loves in an urban fantasy novel but in mini form. I don't know how Stephany managed to write about so many happenings in so little pages. I am AMAZED.

The story line this time is surrounded around vampires and vampire politics. It was nice to read Simmons' take on vampires. It sure wasn't the usual cliches.

Loads of new characters have joined us in this installment. I found most of them amiable enough for me to hope there will be more of them mentioned in the upcoming installments and overall, Vampire Blues, is another awesome mini-novel from Stephany Simmons. It was fun, sexy, and had a great plot that was so fluid and amazingly written. Oh and Lian is HAWT! I want more of him NOW! *demands*


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