
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Release: On the Brightside by S. R. Johannes

On The Bright Side by S. R. Johannes
Publisher: Coleman & Stott
ISBNs: ebook: 
             ISBN 10 – 0984799117
             13 - 978-0-9847991-1-4 

             Paperback (available in Feb): 
             ISBN-10: 0984799133
             ISBN-13: 978-0-9847991-3-8

Buy: Paperback will be available in Feb.
To buy the Kindle ebook - The ebook is $2.99 and can be purchased at amazon 


On the Bright Side is a hilarious road to guardian angeldom paved with so much drama and due-paying that it makes middle school look painless.

As if the devil’s food cake at her wake and the white fat pants she’s stuck wearing for eternity weren’t bad enough, fourteen year-old Gabby is quick to discover that Cirrus, the main rung of Heaven, is a far cry from the Pearly Gates. Here, Skyphones and InnerNets are all the rage. Until Gabby finds out she has to protect Angela, her school nemesis, in order to move up through the training levels of heaven. Problem is, Angela is now hitting on Gabby's should-have-been boyfriend. (awkward!)

Instead of protecting Angela, Gabby pranks her (like tripping is a sin?) at the hopes of cooling off the new couple. At first, they seem harmless until the school dance sabotage gets completely out of control. Then, her Celestial Sky Agent, who happens to have anger management issues of his own, puts Gabby on probation, threatening her eternal future.

Determined to right her wrongs, Gabby steals an ancient artifact that allows her to return to Earth for just one day. Without knowing, she kicks off a series of events and learns what can happen when you hate someone to death.

Praises for Untraceable

"Grace is a spunky, independent, nature girl who doesn't need a boy to save her. With wilderness survival, a juicy love triangle, and more twists and turns than a roller coaster, this fast-paced novel had me holding my breath until the very last page—and still begging for more!" Kimberly Derting, author of the The Body Finder series (Harper Teen) and The Pledge series (S&S)

"This thrilling story is a dramatic entanglement of mystery, deception and teen romance. The action flows like a brisk mountain stream interspersed with rapids, holding suspense to last page." - Kirkus Reviews

2009 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Quarterfinalist (under the original title of Grace Under Fire) - Judges Reviews:

"This story starts out with a reads like the young woman were narrating it to a friend, and had the ring of a young person's style and intensity. Grace sees authority people, or at least those she knows, as a bit bumbling, which is true to age. Authentic representation of youth in action also. Original in premise and style, and good use of background...Good story!" - Sue Grafton, author of bestselling Kinsey Milhone series

"This murder mystery features a teenaged heroine, but she has the self assurance of a woman twice her age. The prose is very descriptive...and the dialogue is genuine. The setting of small town North Carolina and the surrounding woods is appealing. The story moves along at a brisk clip, and it feels as if we already have some important clues. We look forward to seeing what's in the case file and what Grace and her motorbike, Luci, will be up to next." - Sue Monk Kidd, author of Secret Life of Bees

Praises for On The Bright Side

"S.R. Johannes delivers a cute paranormal thrill ride for middle graders! Even in death there is a BRIGHT SIDE!" - Addison Moore, author of the bestselling Celestra series and soon to be TV show

Clever and charming, ON THE BRIGHT SIDE is the story of a reluctant guardian angel, her still-breathing crush, and the frenemy she’s assigned to protect. A great read! -Suzanne Young, author of A Need So Beautiful, A Want So Wicket (6/12), and The Program (2013)

“ON THE BRIGHT SIDE is both hilarious and heart-warming – a tale that’ll have you hoping that there really *are* spunky and determined angels like Gabby who’ve got our backs.” - Kristin O’Donnell Tubb, author of Selling Hope & The 13th Sign (2013) (Feiwel & Friends)

"With a smart, snappy heroine and a heart-warming crush, ON THE BRIGHT SIDE is a page-turning new take on guardian angels that left me begging for a sequel!" - Gretchen McNeil, author of Possess and Ten (9/12) (Balzar + Bray)

This book sounds like a lot of fun! What do you guys think? 


Author Bio:
S.R. Johannes is the author of Untraceable (a teen wilderness thriller) and On The Bright Side ( a tween paranormal). She lives in Atlanta Georgia with her dog, British-accented husband, and the huge imaginations of their little prince and princess, which she hopes- someday- will change the world. After earning an MBA and working in corporate america, S.R. Johannes traded in her expensive suits, high heels, and corporate lingo for a family, flip-flops, and her love of writing.  
If you would like to get periodic author news on my upcoming special edition in Jan or on the release of my future books, please register your email address here. I do not expect to send more than one email a month.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Review: First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson #1) by Darynda Jones

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson #1)
Author: Darynda Jones
Started: 24/1/12
Finished: 30/1/12
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
Medium: Paperback
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy

Goodreads Synopsis:

A smashing, award-winning debut novel that introduces Charley Davidson: part-time private investigator and full-time Grim Reaper

Charley sees dead people. That’s right, she sees dead people. And it’s her job to convince them to “go into the light.” But when these very dead people have died under less than ideal circumstances (i.e. murder), sometimes they want Charley to bring the bad guys to justice. Complicating matters are the intensely hot dreams she’s been having about an Entity who has been following her all her life...and it turns out he might not be dead after all. In fact, he might be something else entirely.

This is a thrilling debut novel from an exciting newcomer to the world of paranormal romantic suspense.

This is the easiest book I've ever scored 5 stars to. The moment I finished the first chapter, I knew it would be a 5 star thing all the way through. First Grave on the Right has its own original dialogue. It is snarky, sarcastic and all together hilarious. I have never laughed so much while reading a paranormal/urban fantasy book. EVER.

Charlotte Davidson is the most colorful character I've read about so far. I'm surprised when she hasn't been complaining, nagging and overall being emo at the fact that she was born with this job (being a grimm reaper). Most protagonists I've read about have all been whinny about their gifts. "Oh, I don't know what I am! I don't know where I belong" Yada yada yada! Charlotte is a HUGE sport and even though she's still discovering things about her "job". She still stands strong and instead of being naggy and whiney about it. She graces these wonderful pages with snarky sly comments and hilarious analogies.

The book was pretty Anita Blake like, but in its own unique way and minus all the vampires, zombies, and werewolves (THANK GOODNESS). Charley is a Private Investigator, who helps the local police department solve cold cases and current cases they can't seem to solve themselves. And being the Grimm Reaper and all, its easier for Charley to find missing persons with her ghostly-informants sidekicks. Of course, she isn't able to do this without the help of her Detective Uncle, Bob.

No matter how much this series reminds me of the Anita Blake series. It held its own originality and plot. Anita Blake Series was definitely NOT this funny. First Grave on the Right is an excellent book filled with humor, excitement, mystery and its own shade of dark elements as well as morbid moments. For a debut novel, Jones sure does know how to write them wonderful dialogues. An unputdownable read! Pick it up, if you haven't already.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

In My Mailbox #39

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post all books we have received where in the mail, bought or got from the library.

I got these from a few design jobs (as usual):

Redfox (Experiment in Terror #2) by Karina Hall
Feed (Newsflesh Trilogy) by Mira Grant
My Soul to Take (Soul Screamer #1) by Rachel Vincent
My Soul to Save (Soul Screamer #2) by Rachel Vincent
The Bite Before Christmas by Lynsay Sands & Jeaniene Frost
Lord of Misrule (Morganville vampires #5) by Rachel Caine
When Beauty Tamed the Beast (Fairy Tales #2) by Eloisa James
The Duke is Mine (Fairy Tales #3) by Eloisa James

I've been waiting for these for awhile now. I'm glad they came safely. Though some were sort of damaged. But thats okay! As long as the pages are still intact. 

What did you guys get in your mailbox?

Blog Tour Review: Immortalis Series by Katie Salidas

Immortalis Carpe Noctem 
(Immortalis Series #1 )
Publisher: Rising Sign Books, LLC.
Print Publishing Date: March 2, 2010
Author: Katie Salidas
Available in print and/or ebook at:  | | | 
Barnes & Noble | Smashwords


Bleeding to death after brutal mugging on the campus of UNLV, Twenty-five year old Alyssa, is rescued by the cold and aloof, vampire, Lysander. Taking pity on her, he shares the gift-and curse-of immortality. She awakens as a vampire and is soon devastated by harsh realities of her new way of life: the loss of her friends, her independence, and her humanity.

As if having her humanity stripped away was not enough to make life interesting, Alyssa finds out her “turning”, did not go unnoticed by the rest of undead society. Old enemies; an ancient sect of vampire hunters, known as the Acta Sanctorum, as well as a powerful Vampire mistress, each set plans in motion to destroy both Alyssa and Lysander. Only by accepting her newfound immortality, seizing the night, will Alyssa hope to survive. She and Lysander must fight together against two sets of enemies bent on destroying them both.

Started: 2/1/12 Finished: 5/1/12

I started this series in high hopes of witnessing and reading all about a kick-ass heroine. And sadly, I was disappointed. To say the least, Alyssa is weak and not the heroine I expected at first. She was pathetic at times. Especially when she’s facing her enemies. As much as she’d love to be courageous. She was just naïve and stupid.

I’ll give the author some credit and say, yes. The plot was okay and the writing was great but it was all backed-up by a weak protagonist. I liked how it started out even though it was a terrible situation for Alyssa that nearly killed her. It was written fabulously well and along the way that fabness went away.

The first book of the Immortalis series could have been better. It might be great to some people but for me it wasn’t something as grand as I thought.

For its dramatic start, okay plot and great writing. I’ll give this installment a 2.5/5 stars in hopes that the next books will be better.

Hunters & Prey 
(Immortalis Series #2 )
Publisher: Rising Sign Books, LLC.
Print Publishing Date: December 10, 2010
Author: Katie Salidas
Available in print and/or ebook at: | | 
Barnes & Noble | Smashwords


Becoming a vampire saved Alyssa from death, but the price was high: the loss of everything and everyone attached to her mortal life. She’s still learning to cope when a surprise confrontation with Santino Vitale, the Acta Sanctorum’s most fearsome hunter, sends her fleeing back to the world she once knew, and Fallon, the friend she’s missed more than anything.

Alyssa breaks vampire law by revealing her new, true self to her old friend, a fact which causes strong division in the group that should support her most: her clan.

Worse yet, her revelation entangles Fallon in the struggle between vampires and hunters and The Acta Sanctorum is ready to attack again, with a new army of hybrid creations: the Frenzy Soldiers. If Alyssa hopes to survive and keep her mortal friend safe, she’ll have to be willing to make a deal with the enemy, and regain her clan’s support. It will take everyone working together in a precarious truce to fight against the Acta Sanctorum’s new threat.

Started: 7/1/12 Finished: 10/1/12

This was much much better! The writing style of the Katie improved and her hard work can be seen. But like before Alyssa annoyed the living hell out of me. She’s just annoyingly foolish. She’s brave but entirely foolish! She nearly got herself and her clan members killed countless times. I hope Katie wrote her to be that way because she has plans for her later on. But seriously, Alyssa annoys me.

Aside from that, the plot in this one was way more stern and better. I loved reading how it all went and it was actually exciting. Great job Katie!

Overall, a great turn of events in this installment but still a weak protagonist. I’m waiting for her to grow out of it. Until then, 3/5 stars for part 2 in the Immortalis series. 

Pandora's Box
(Immortalis Series #3 )
Publisher: Rising Sign Books, LLC. 

Print Publishing Date: July 12th 2011
Author: Katie Salidas
Available in print and/or ebook at: | |
Barnes & Noble | Smashwords


After a few months as a vampire, Alyssa thought she’d learned all she needed to know about the supernatural world. But her confidence is shattered by the delivery of a mysterious package – a Pandora’s Box.

Seemingly innocuous, the box is in reality an ancient prison, generated by a magic more powerful than anyone in her clan has ever known. But what manner of evil could need such force to contain it?

When the box is opened, the sinister creature within is released, and only supernatural blood will satiate its thirst. The clan soon learns how it feels when the hunter becomes the hunted.

Apparently powerless against the ancient evil, the clan flees Las Vegas for Boston, with only a slim hope for salvation. Could Lysander’s old journals hold the key? And what if they don’t?

And how welcome will they be in a city run by a whole different kind of supernatural being?


Started: 11/1/12 Finished: 15/1/12

Definitely getting better with each book. Alyssa here isn’t that naïve and is sort of easier to tolerate. The events rolled in quickly and there was action already. I’m kind of sad about how Salidas ended this installment. But I know for sure there is more to this series.

I’m hoping Alyssa and Fallon become more established characters and Lysander stop being just a stereotypical hero in the story. I’m getting tired of the tall, dark, ancient and handsome types. They’re pretty much the same. =.= What do I expect from a vampire series! (slaps self).

The beginning was a little annoying but as the story progressed so did the action and the characters and I’m pretty sure after awhile I think I’ll start liking this series more and more.

Thanks for the organizers for allowing me to read and review these books. I’m grateful. <3 

Author Bio:

Katie Salidas is a Super Woman! Endowed with special powers and abilities, beyond those of mortal women, She can get the munchkin off to gymnastics, cheerleading, Girl Scouts, and swim lessons. She can put hot food on the table for dinner while assisting with homework, baths, and bedtime… And, She still finds the time to keep the hubby happy (nudge nudge wink wink). She can do all of this and still have time to write.

And if you can believe all of those lies, there is some beautiful swamp land in Florida for sale…

Katie Salidas resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother, wife, and author, she does try to do it all, often causing sleep deprivation and many nights passed out at the computer. Writing books is her passion, and she hopes that her passion will bring you hours of entertainment.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Quick Review: Rock 'N' Roll is Undead (Veronica Mason #1) by Rose Pressey

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: Rock 'N' Roll is Undead (Veronica Mason #1)
Author: Rose Pressey
Started: 24/1/12
Finished: 28/1/12
Medium: eBook for Review from Author
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy

Goodreads Synopsis:

Veronica Mason, lead singer of the rockabilly band The Voodoo Zombies, discovers her vampire bass player staked through the heart. A vision of the murder flashes in Veronica's mind and she wonders if she's going bonkers. Up until now her supernatural skills consisted of a few botched love spells.
Using her sexy voice and pin-up style has paid off, she's about to land a record deal. But suspicion soon turns to her when another vampire turns up as nothing more than a pile of ashes a vacuum would have a hard time sucking up. Veronica has to hone her paranormal powers or lose her dealand possibly her life.

When an utterly delicious mystery man steps in as the new bass player, Veronica can't figure out if he's there to help or cause more problems. What she does know is she can't resist his good looks and sex appeal. She wonders if they'd make rockin' music together. But helping the undead could stop her from finding out and leave Veronica dead permanently.

Rose Pressey vividly drew the rockabilly scene into these virtual pages so brilliantly. Her writing style was unique so was the story itself. New characters, unique scenarios, hot men, vampires, witches and the whole Paranormal lot. As much as I'd like to say, I haven't heard something like this before, I can't. I can't really blame Pressey for this. Its really hard to write something new now-a-days. 

On the upside, I really liked Veronica, she isn't annoying, overwhelming, weak or the strong witted heroines that I find overrated. I connected with her in my own way and I totally loved the same guy she does. Buzz is hawt and all too irresistible. I loved the intensely new scene into this eBook. Its a different. 

If you're the type, who loves your everyday fun, quirky, easy paranormal fix. This is a book for you. Not as unputdownable as I would like it to be. But it was a fix! xD


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Quick Review: The Darkest Night (Lords of the Underworld #1) by Gena Showalter

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: The Darkest Night (Lords of the Underworld #1)
Author: Gena Showalter
Started: 19/1/12
Finished: 23/1/12
Medium: Paperback
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Buy: Amazon / The Book Depository (23% off) / Barnes & Noble

Goodreads Synopsis:

His powers -- Inhuman
His passion -- Beyond immortal . . .

All her life, Ashlyn Darrow has been tormented by voices from the past. To end the nightmare, she has come to Budapest seeking help from men rumored to have supernatural abilities, not knowing she'll be swept into the arms of Maddox, their most dangerous member -- a man trapped in a hell of his own.

Neither can resist the instant hunger than calms their torments . . . and ignites an irresistible passion. But every heated touch and burning kiss will edge them closer to destruction -- and a soul-shattering test of love...

I finished this book yesterday (I think) and WOW! Okay, don't get my wrong and all but the romance in this book was kind of corny and toooo lovey dovey for me BUT I can't complain because I really love the whole evil falls in love with the good, etc. An extra plus for me is the steamy s** and all the hot men. Damn! Can this book be any satisfying! O.O Okay... that sounded wrong. But you get what I mean.

Forgive me for my unformal review. I just can't help it. The book was just THAT good. Maybe not as good as the Blackdagger Brotherhood but it was still good. 

Conclusion: It was quick-ish, fun, serious, steamy, hot, romantic alllll rolled into one book and if you're fans of the BDB Series you'll love this one! Now, I have to strategize how I'll be getting the other books. (hmm).


Review: Bound (Arelia LaRue #1) by Kira Saito

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: Bound (Arelia LaRue #1)
Author: Kira Saito
Started: 15/1/12
Finished: 22/1/12
Medium: eBook from Author
Genre: Young Adult: Paranormal Romance
Buy: Smashwords / Amazon

Goodreads Synopsis:

Sixteen year old Arelia LaRue lives in New Orleans where the music is loud, voodoo queens inhabit every street corner, and the ghosts are alive and well. Despite her surroundings, all she wants is to help her Grand-mere Bea pay the rent and save up for college.

When her best friend Sabrina convinces her to take a well-paying summer job at the infamous Darkwood plantation, owned by the wealthy LaPlante family, Arelia agrees.

However, at Darkwood strange things start to happen, and gorgeous Lucus LaPlante insists that he needs her help. Soon, the powers that Arelia has been denying all her life, come out to play and she discovers mysteries about herself that she could have never imagined.

I was once looking around Bound's Goodreads pages and found a lot of mixed reviews about this book. What I found on Goodreads made me want to read and decide for myself and well I did! The good reviews I agree with the bad ones not so much. I don't really get why they didn't like it at all. 

This is something new for me, especially in the Young Adult Genre, I've only read about voodoo in a non-ya book just that one time last year but never read a book solely based on a protagonist who's gifted with the powers of voodoo. 

I didn't know why, but I really connected with Arelia. I don't know if its her courage, wittiness or her will to stay away from people (especially hot boys who are off-limits) or the fact that she's bestfriends with a snob. Okay, fine! I admit, I couldn't stand Sabrina (Arelia's Bestfriend). It amuses me to actually find such a character like her in a book. She made me laugh a few times at how badly conceited she is. I know a lot of people hate this book for her especially. But for me, I found it amusing. You've gotta love these type of people. Haha. I blame my endless patience for this point. The plot had its predictable bits but aside from that it was flowing, not too complex and all together good. 

Overall, Bound was an excellent read about a different aspect of paranormalcy with unique intriguing characters, a wonderful plot and juicy man-candy. Gimme more now! :D


Monday, January 23, 2012

The Girl in the Box Blog Tour Wrap-Up

Caitlin Shaughnessy, a Canadian journalist, discovers that Inez, a traumatized young Mayan woman originally from Guatemala, has killed Caitlin's psychoanalyst partner, Dr. Jerry Simpson. Simpson brought the girl, who may be autistic, back to Canada as an act of mercy and to attempt to treat her obvious trauma. Cailin desperately needs to find out why this terrible incident occurred so she can find the strength to forgive and move on with her life.
Inez, whose sense of wonder and innocence touches all who meet her, becomes a focal point for many of the Canadians who encounter her. As Caitlin struggles to uncover the truth about Inez's relationship with Jerry, Inez struggles to break free of the projections of others. Each must confront her own anger and despair. The doctors in the north have an iciness that matches their surroundings, a kind of clinical armour that Caitlin must penetrate if she is to reach Inez.
The Girl in the Box is a psychological drama of the highest order and a gripping tale of intrigue and passion.

Sheila Dalton on: Goodreads | Website

Hellllooo wonderful followers! I've been hosting The Girl in the Box Blog Tour this month and had fun reading all the wonderful and interesting guestposts Sheila has written and the reviews other book bloggers posted up. I'd like to share with you all I've read below! ENJOY! 

9.1.2012 - Unputdownable BooksReview
10.1.2012 - Beyond Words - Guestpost
11.1.2012 - WORD! From Cyber-Chicago - Review + Guestpost
12.1.2012 - Jess Resides Here - Excerpt + Guestpost
13.1.2012 - Michelle Fayard - Guestpost
14.1.2012 - JJ iReads - Interview + Review
15.1.2012 -  FREE
16.1.2012 - Writers & Authors - Guestpost
17.1.2012 - Buried Under Books - Guestpost
18.1.2012 - FREE
19.1.2012 - Tolystoy is My Cat - Guestpost + Excerpt
20.1.2012 - YA-aholic - Guestpost + Giveaway
21.1.2012 - Booked-Up - Review
22.1.2012 - Unabridged Andra - Review
23.1.2012 - Melissa Electric Bookshelf - Guestpost

Thank you to all bloggers for joining in the blog tour! Thank you so much! Thanks to Sheila as well for writing such an amazing book and being just an awesome person. :D

Sunday, January 22, 2012

In My Mailbox #38

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post all books we have received where in the mail, bought or got from the library.

I got these from a few design jobs:

Tempest Rising (Jane True #1) by Nicole Peeler
Tempest Legacy (Jane True #2) by Nicole Peeler
City of Fallen Angels (The Immortal Instruments #4) by Cassandra Clare
Forever (Wolves of Mercy Falls #3) by Maggie Steifvater

And these from Authors/BlogTour Organizers:

Its not much but its something. :D I can't wait to read Griffin's Fire and start with the Jane True Series. :D Whats on your IMM this week? Let me know in the comment section below. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Blog Tour: Marissa Dobson's Top Five Anticipated Paranormal Books of 2012


Fate always knows when you're ready for love.
The past is catching up with Aspyn Layton. The father she never knew passed away and she is left to deal with his estate. An unexpected snowstorm has her stranded at the one place she didn’t want to be—her father’s house—with a naked man.
Damon Andrews has a secret, one he shared with Aspyn’s father. He must convince Aspyn there is more to life then what she knows. How will she react when she finds out he is a mountain lion, and she is his mate? Their fates are intertwined.

The Top Five Paranormal books 
I am looking forward to in 2012

  1. Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward – I can’t get enough of this series.
  2. Fourth Grave Right Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones – I love this series. It is so different than a lot of what is on the book shelves now.
  3. Once Burned (Night Prince, Book 1) by Jeaniene Frost
  4. Wanted: Undead or Alive by Kerrelyn Sparks – I love Phineas and I can’t wait for him to have his own story.
  5. Mate Claimed by Jennifer Ashley – I just finished reading Wild Cat and now I can’t wait to read Cassidy’s brother, Eric’s story.
Now that you heard the top 5 I am waiting for. What are the books you are waiting for?

Born and raised in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, I now reside about an hour from Washington, D.C. I am a lady who likes to keep busy, and am always busy doing something. With two different college degrees, I believe you are never done learning.
Being the first daughter to an avid reader, this gave me the advantage of learning to read at a young age. Since learning to read I have always had my nose in a book. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I started writing down the stories I came up with.

I am blessed with a wonderful supportive husband, Thomas. He is my other half and allows me to stay home and pursue my writing. My writing buddies Max (a cocker spaniel) and Dawne (a beagle mix) are always around to listen to me bounce ideas off them. They might not be able to answer, but they are helpful in their own ways. 

Thanks for this awesome list Marissa! I'm also looking forward to Once Burned as well. Hope you get these soon! :D 


Friday, January 20, 2012

Author Interview: Lori Pescatore, Author of the Blend Series

Author Bio:  A preschool teacher by day and a wife & mom by night. Although I love all of these titles, I can now add published author to the list of things I can consider myself. I was proud the day I got married, I was proud the day I gave birth to each of my boys, (now grown men) and I was proud when I got my certification to teach. My newest accomplishment in being a published author is my latest proud moment. Writing all my life for fun, family and friends, creating my own story and original characters has been a wonderful journey, one I hope is long lived.

Human Blend is the first of a trilogy of books in the romance/fantasy/science fiction genre. It is what I love to read and what I love to write. Earth Blend is the second in the series and was just released. The final installment, Terminal Blend is due out early summer 2012.
Facebook / Twitter (@Preteach99) / Goodreads / Linked In / Shelfari

1. Do you find it hard to come up with something new to write about? 

I did not find it hard to come up with something new, I have so many ideas floating around in my head.The real problem is having the time to get get them written. The clock is not my friend. 

2. Why did you start writing?

I have been writing most of my life either for myself or friends. I was writing fan fiction long before the Internet. I think when I began reading books and thinking about how I would have written the scene differently, that gave me the idea to write one that was all my own. 

3. 5 Random Facts about yourself. 

Number one: I'm the youngest of six children
Number two: I married at the ripe old age of 19
Number three: I drive a Black 2008 Ford Mustang GT
Number four: I've been working at the same school for 15 years.
Number five: I have a calico cat named Tiny. She does not live up to her name. :)

4. Current Read. 

Devour by Shelly Crane

5. Do you always connect with the characters you write about?

Absolutely. I think if I don't the readers would be able to tell. They are in my head, everyone of them, good or evil. I may not always agree or like the choices they make but there is a thread that connects me to them. 

6. What is your biggest challenge when writing?

Time. My kids are all grown and my husband works long hours so I am not disturbed, but I do work and between that and taking care of the house, I do seem to loose track. When I do take the time, it flows generously. 

7. When you're not writing what do you do?

My son and I both like Japanese Anime, so we do like to spend time watching different shows. I also work part time as a preschool teacher. Reading is also another enjoyment. That's how it starts. I love to read.

8. Will you be writing outside of the YA genre in the future?

Not anytime soon. I am currently working on the final book in The Blend Series and have another book already started which will also be a young adult genre. I love writing young adults because they are fearless and anything can happen. Makes for interesting stories.
Anything else to Add? How bout market your book and tell the audience why they should pick up Human Blend & Earth Blend. 

The Blend Series is different from other fantasy young adult novels. In Human Blend I introduce a new type of fantasy creature that has never been written about before. Come read and see for yourself. In Earth Blend I give some more background information on the creation of these creatures and what happens next is pretty exciting. Thanks you Naj for allowing me to be featured on your wonderful blog.

Thank YOU Lori, for stopping by and answering my many questions! 
