
Friday, January 20, 2012

Author Interview: Lori Pescatore, Author of the Blend Series

Author Bio:  A preschool teacher by day and a wife & mom by night. Although I love all of these titles, I can now add published author to the list of things I can consider myself. I was proud the day I got married, I was proud the day I gave birth to each of my boys, (now grown men) and I was proud when I got my certification to teach. My newest accomplishment in being a published author is my latest proud moment. Writing all my life for fun, family and friends, creating my own story and original characters has been a wonderful journey, one I hope is long lived.

Human Blend is the first of a trilogy of books in the romance/fantasy/science fiction genre. It is what I love to read and what I love to write. Earth Blend is the second in the series and was just released. The final installment, Terminal Blend is due out early summer 2012.
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1. Do you find it hard to come up with something new to write about? 

I did not find it hard to come up with something new, I have so many ideas floating around in my head.The real problem is having the time to get get them written. The clock is not my friend. 

2. Why did you start writing?

I have been writing most of my life either for myself or friends. I was writing fan fiction long before the Internet. I think when I began reading books and thinking about how I would have written the scene differently, that gave me the idea to write one that was all my own. 

3. 5 Random Facts about yourself. 

Number one: I'm the youngest of six children
Number two: I married at the ripe old age of 19
Number three: I drive a Black 2008 Ford Mustang GT
Number four: I've been working at the same school for 15 years.
Number five: I have a calico cat named Tiny. She does not live up to her name. :)

4. Current Read. 

Devour by Shelly Crane

5. Do you always connect with the characters you write about?

Absolutely. I think if I don't the readers would be able to tell. They are in my head, everyone of them, good or evil. I may not always agree or like the choices they make but there is a thread that connects me to them. 

6. What is your biggest challenge when writing?

Time. My kids are all grown and my husband works long hours so I am not disturbed, but I do work and between that and taking care of the house, I do seem to loose track. When I do take the time, it flows generously. 

7. When you're not writing what do you do?

My son and I both like Japanese Anime, so we do like to spend time watching different shows. I also work part time as a preschool teacher. Reading is also another enjoyment. That's how it starts. I love to read.

8. Will you be writing outside of the YA genre in the future?

Not anytime soon. I am currently working on the final book in The Blend Series and have another book already started which will also be a young adult genre. I love writing young adults because they are fearless and anything can happen. Makes for interesting stories.
Anything else to Add? How bout market your book and tell the audience why they should pick up Human Blend & Earth Blend. 

The Blend Series is different from other fantasy young adult novels. In Human Blend I introduce a new type of fantasy creature that has never been written about before. Come read and see for yourself. In Earth Blend I give some more background information on the creation of these creatures and what happens next is pretty exciting. Thanks you Naj for allowing me to be featured on your wonderful blog.

Thank YOU Lori, for stopping by and answering my many questions! 


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