
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Review: Rules of Attraction (Perfect Chemistry #2) by Simone Elkeles

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: Rules of Attraction (Perfect Chemistry #2)
Author: Simone Elkeles
Started: 2/1/12
Finished: 4/1/12
Medium: Paperback
Publisher: Walker & Company
Genre: YA: Romance
Buy: Amazon / The Book Depository / Barnes & Noble

Goodreads Synopsis:
When Carlos Fuentes returns to America after living in Mexico for a year, he doesn’t want any part of the life his older brother, Alex, has laid out for him at a high school in Colorado . Carlos likes living his life on the edge and wants to carve his own path—just like Alex did. Then he meets Kiara Westford. She doesn’t talk much and is completely intimidated by Carlos’ wild ways. As they get to know one another, Carlos assumes Kiara thinks she’s too good for him, and refuses to admit that she might be getting to him. But he soon realizes that being himself is exactly what Kiara needs right now.

Books like Rules of Attraction is bad for readers who have work, school and many other things to do in the morning. Rules of Attraction kept me up at night and I couldn't put it down, no matter how tired I was and just the fact that you're waiting for something romantic to happen between our amazing protagonists will definitely keep your eyes on these pages.

No matter how much I hated Carlos Fuentes in the beginning, he started warming up to me when his real side showed-up sometime later on. This Perfect Chemistry Novel isn't as gang related as the first book, but it was more real and surrounded around a not-so-normal teenage life as they try to get through senior year alive. Carlos, gets framed and arrested for drug possession in school and is put into a REACH program.

Like the novel before it. Rules of Attraction is an amazing and heart-warming romance thats all for the happy-endings! Though it ended rather quick, it was still extremely easy, fun, and sometimes funny read. The characters sarcasm and humor will light up whatever mood the reader is in and of course, a book is never a book without its plot. For sure it was there, though at times I forgot about it but Elkeles knows where to bring it in and when.

To sum it all up, Rules of Attraction is amazingly written, and a wonderful story that will satisfy our hopeless romantic side and our need to be entertained. 5/5 stars! I'm off to pick up the next Elkeles book I have.


1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked this one as much as the first one :) !! I loved Carlos but I've to admit that I'm definitely Team Alex :)


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