
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Quick Review: The Vampire Dimitri (Regency Dracule #2) by Colleen Gleason

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: The Vampire Dimitri (The Regency Draculia #2)
Author: Colleen Gleason
Started: 9/2/12
Finished: 11/2/12
Publisher: Mira
Medium: Paperback
Genre: Historical Romance / Paranormal Romance
Buy: Amazon / The Book Depository / Barnes & Noble

Goodreads Synopsis:

Dimitri, also known as the Earl of Corvindale, should be delighted that the headstrong Maia Woodmore is getting married. His mortal ward and houseguest has annoyed--and bewitched--the Dracule nobleman too long, and denying his animal cravings grows more excruciating by the day.
Miss Woodmore's family has a rather...complicated history with the immortals and she herself possesses a keen sensibility far beyond mere women's intuition. Marriage will give her safety, respectability and everything else a proper young lady could wish for. Everything, that is, except passion.
In the looming battle between Dracule factions, all pretenses will shatter as Maia and Dimitri come together in an unholy union of danger, desperation and fiercest desire.

This is the first book I've ever read that actually started out like the first book but in someone else's point of view. Its safe to say that anyone can read any part of the series without reading the first few books. 

I loved this better than Vampire Voss. I think it was the concept of the Beauty and the Beast that made it all the more intriguing. I really love all the love and hate relationship. Its so fun to read! Plus, Dimitri is waaaaay hotter than Voss. And Maia is waaaay better than Angelica. Haha, that didn't make much sense. 

Okay, so I kind of skipped some parts in this one because there was repeated conversations and events that was in the first book. That bit kind of put me off a bit. But when I continued reading on, I just couldn't stop reading. 

Another 5 stars to Colleen. I'm hesitant on reading Narcise. Mainly because I didn't like her much in the first two books. She just seems so "evil in disguise". BUT I'm looking forward to reading Colleens other work. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi! :) You have been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award from my blog Full Moon Bites!

    You can go here to learn more:

    (Also-great review!)


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