
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Review: With this Kiss by Victoria Lynne

(Click image for goodreads page)
Title: With this Kiss by Victoria Lynne
Author: Victoria Lynne
Started: 18/2/12
Finished: 21/2/12
Medium: eBook (from Sizzling PR)
Genre: Historical Romance
Buy: Amazon /  Barnes & Noble
Goodreads Synopsis:

Beauty and the beast--they were the scandal of the ton....

All eyes feasted on the beautiful flame-haired gambler in London's most infamous club. But Julia Prentisse was interested only in the rake-turned-recluse whom they now called "The Beast." She lured him out of the crowded club to a deserted warehouse, where she made her scandalous offer: If he married her and protected her from her uncle, she would help him catch the arsonist who had ruined his life.

An act of heroism had left Morgan burned, scarred for life. But Julia's bold gaze lit other fires he had long suppressed. And now this glorious stranger was his bride. But when he tried to claim his husbandly rights, she demanded three months grace--three months to know a stranger's mind, to touch a stranger's soul, to go where no woman had ever gone before. Into his lonely heart . . .

‘With this Kiss’ is based on the basic concept of Beauty and the Beast. And along with it came a charming, rich, hateful, beast of a man called Morgan and a winding, witty and headstrong beauty with fury colored hair called Julia. The story began with a tragedy, flowed along in zigzags of realistically written calamities together with the unpredictable end.

It was written beautifully, plotted perfectly and kept up at the right pace with amazing 1800’s dialogue that reminds a reader of Mr. Darcy and Elisabeth or Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre. A side from that, it held its own mysteriousness as they (Julia and Morgan) make an arrangement that lands them at THE aisle fighting to find who is behind London’s Fires that claimed many lives even people close to them.

I adored how “push and pull” Morgan and Julia’s relationship was and the fact that Morgan has never met anyone like Julia (go figure) in his dreadful life as a ‘rake’, a man who finds it easy to find a woman every now and then (this was before the fire that scarred him).

With this Kiss was a straight up unputdownable book. It's the right arrangement of delicious mystery, steamy moments and heart-lurching moments that's an instant five star book that’ll simply quench a historical romance junkie thirst to read more of the genre.


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