
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cover Reveal + Giveaway: Transcendence by C.J. Omololu

Today, I'd like to reveal the cover of Transcendence by C.J. Omololu! Read on and comment to win an ARC of the book. 

Time is no match for destiny. . .
When Cole Ryan visits the Tower of London, panic starts to rise as she realizes the visions are getting worse. Everywhere she goes, everything she touches, seems to trigger vivid scenes of a time she doesn’t know, in a place she’s never lived. The only rational explanation is that she’s losing her mind. Or is it?

The moment Griffon Hall sees Cole in London that day, he knows immediately that she’s special, like him—that these aren’t visions, but glimpses into their own past lives. And he knows for certain their paths were meant to cross in this life…

With Griffon’s help, Cole realizes her status as Akhet, people who must take the wisdom they’ve gathered over centuries of past lives and use it for good. But not all Akhet are honorable, and a rogue is after Cole to avenge a shared past that she barely remembers.  Piecing together clues from many lifetimes, Cole discovers a secret that could ruin her only chance at a future with Griffon—a future they are destined to share—and risking his love could be the only way to save them both.

It feels like I’m on the edge of something big, and as much as I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want Griffon to stop. I need to get through to the end.

“Think for a second,” he says. “The visions you’re having. You didn’t really see that girl being led up to the scaffold…you weren’t watching her, were you?”

All of a sudden I know what he means even though everything inside pushes against the thought. None of the visions have been like me watching a movie. It’s like being in the movie. “No,” I say, barely above a whisper.

I squeeze my eyes shut, knowing that it makes sense, but not wanting to admit it, because if I admit it, everything changes. Everything I know about life will be different.

“The girl on the scaffold is me,” I say quickly. “I’m watching as these things happen to me, not other people.”
It feels like the truth is dangling there in front of me, just out of reach. All of the pieces of the puzzle are right there, waiting to be put together. “Why is this happening now?”
“Because,” he says. “You’re starting to remember.”


CJ Omololu majored in English because she liked to read, not because she liked to write. Years later, she discovered the voices in her head often have interesting things to say.  Her most recent book is DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS about hoarding and family secrets. Her next book TRANSCENDENCE will be released on June 5th  2012, followed by the sequel FATED in 2013, all from Walker/Bloomsbury. Find her at

Open for US & Canada ONLY 
(I hate to do this. Especially, when I'm an international blogger but I gotta do what the author says)
Comment below with your email.
ENDS March 14th




  1. Sounds like a really good book! Would love to be entered in the giveaway for a chance to win an ARC!


  2. Loved Dirty Little Secret -- this one sounds great too! Can't wait. Would love to win one!

    annettesspot (at) gmail DOT com

  3. I'm even more intrigued after reading the excerpt! :D


  4. Oooo, it ends on my birthday :D Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Aaah the book looks amazing! If only I lived in the UK or Canada.. I guess I'll have to buy it instead haha

  6. XD Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


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