
Sunday, March 11, 2012

In My Mailbox #41 (Contemporary Edition)

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post all books we have received where in the mail, bought or got from the library.


Why Contemporary? Well, lets just say, I'm straying from the paranormal genre for a bit. I'm pretty sure I'll get back to it. I can't live without the vampires! These are (contemporary and a few paranormal) books that came during the two (last week, and this week) weeks. 

This post also includes my first ever Print Book Cover! :D Yay! I've been designing book covers for about 7 months and finally I get a physical print book cover! 

Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally
The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams
Angel's Blood by Nalini Singh
On the Fringe by Courtney King Walker
Amplified by Tara Kelly
Fade Out by Rachel Caine

Destined by P.C. and Kristin Cast

Ditched: A Love Story by Robin Mellom 
Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong 
Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

AND the cover I designed. :D 

Initiation by Imogen Rose

What did you guys get in your IMM? Did you get anything in the YA Contemporary Genre?



  1. Look at all those awesome contemporary books!

    I'm actually quite curious about Catching Jordan. Hope that one is super good.

    Happy reading :-)

    My IMM

  2. People got a lot of awesome books this week. Great haul. Love the cover for Initation as well. Come visit me as well.


  3. Wow, I love the cover you designed! It looks so good! And I LOVED Catching Jordan!! I hope you enjoy all you got!

    Here's my IMM!

  4. You're so lucky to get such awesome books! The cover you designed is absolutely gorgeous! Have fun reading :)
    - Jenni (my IMM)

  5. So many great books! I'm jealous! And the cover is beautiful - I really love the text!

    My IMM

    -Lexi, the Literature Lion

  6. Wow I love the cover ou designed. You're really talented.

    I loved Deadly Cool and the Unearthly series. Looking forward to reading Catching Jordan. Happy Reading!

    Check out what I got In My Mailbox this week

  7. You got a lot this time.
    I only read Deadly Cool. But liked it :) Enjoy. I am also going to read Under the Never sky soon :) Hope it´s good :D

    Wauw.. the cover you designed is so cool. I must say. I think it´s your best so far. In my opinion. It´s awesome. I like all of them. But this one is cool :) I would definitly pick up that book :)

    Btw.. I am kind of keeping a little break from paranormal aswell. Still read them. But read more of other stuff aswell. Need a break :) sometime :P

    Enjoy all your books :)

  8. Awesome IMM!!! I loved Deadly Cool!!!
    I hope you enjoy all of your books!

  9. What a great haul Naj :) !!
    I can't wait to read The Gathering and Under the Never Sky and I very much look forward to know what you think of them !! I really can't believe I still haven't order a copy of Hallowed .. I loved Unearthly and I can't wait to know what happens next !!
    The cover you designed looks stunning !! I'm actually going to check out the blurb on Goodreads !! I love how the tite is written !! Great job ;)
    Happy reading :)


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