
Thursday, July 19, 2012

ARC Review + Dream Cast: Chaos (Agent's of Evil #2) by Megan Duncan

HURRAAH! I finally read something and the best part is its one of my fav series! Read on!

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Title: Chaos (Agents of Evil #2)
Author: Megan Duncan
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Young Adult: Dystopian
Format: eBook ARC
Buy: Amazon / Barnes & Noble

Is any shot at living, worth dying for?

They thought they’d be safe, but a world ruled by chaos doesn’t die easily.

When Max turned on the radio transmissions assuring safety, they came. But, it wasn’t just survivors of the demon apocalypse that crawled their way into the abandoned military base. A myriad of beastly demons unlike any they’ve ever seen, came as well. Abby, and her companions, struggle to survive as the evil around them grows. Desperate to endure, and to defend their fellow survivors, Abby and a squad of fierce fighters, take on a dangerous mission that has deadly consequences.

Intensifying, seat wrenching, post-apocalyptic book! 

I have been waiting for the sequel for ages and the second I received the Advanced Readers Copy, I tried as much as possible to read it whenever I got the chance in between work and Uni. But only today did I actually sit down and read it from cover to cover. And damn. It got scarier. I don't know how Megan comes up with this stuff.

So, the book started out with Abby and the fighters or 'warriors' of the base getting ready to fight Spider Demons. It was intense, descriptive and entirely page turning. It gets gory sometimes but it isn't as bad as I thought.

New characters came rolling in and I immediately grew attached to them. Abby, Max, Carter and Taya weren't the same after the attack they went through before they reached the base in New Mexico. Honestly speaking, I didn't remember much of the first book. I read it so many books back. It's hard to keep track. I was struggling to remember what happened last time and Megan gave us some peaks and ideas to remind us what happened the book before and I'm so grateful for that!

As the story went on, the plot thickens and the demons began to get more complicated and harder to figure out. It terrifies me, that Megan writes about a world that could be ours. Hell literally breaking lose and demons of all sizes and shapes with different capabilities started to walk amongst us and nearly wipes out human race. It makes me wish, I owed a katana or a shotgun.

Anyways, the best part of the book (besides the fighting and the demons) is probably how real everything seemed. How the characters are all big emotional messes, all trying to fight to hope and stay strong. How they experience real pain and emotions like they're supposed to in a situation like theirs and most of all, how each one of them have lost someone dear to them and they're fighting to stay alive just for them. All this really makes a reader connect strongly with each character.

As usual, I hate it when the books end. Especially, when things start to get good, and we are left with such a huge cliffhanger. Either way, I loved going through another thrilling, seat wrenching, intensifying dystopian book by Megan Duncan! Now, Megan, you know the drill! Go write some more!

This is just something I thought would be fun to post up! :D I got the idea from The Indie Bookshelf's Blog Post here. I photoshopped some celeb photos for fun. :D Here are my impressions of Carter, Abby and Max. (Disclaimer: Celebrity photos belong to their rightful owners and not me)

Brenden Robinson as Carter.
I had to photoshop some glasses on him. But he sure does look good as Carter. I always though him as adorable looking as Brenden. He's definitely a cute geeky guy.

Vanessa Marano as Abby. 

This is definitely the best pick ever by The Indie Bookshelf. So I kept it as it is. I also photoshop this. :DD (Obviously).

Zac Efron as Max.

I can't help it. Zac is just hot. Okay, maybe not in Highschool Musical but everywhere else. He is perfect. *insert heart here*

Megan Duncan is a lover of all things paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi and anything just out of the ordinary. She is continually fighting her addiction to chocolate and living in her overactive imagination.

I hope you enjoyed the post! I sure did! :D


1 comment:

  1. This book looks so great! Thanks for sharing, I love dream cast posts :)


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