
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Review: The Truth about Faking by Leigh Talbert Moore

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Title: The Truth About Faking
Author: Leigh T. Moore
Publisher: Smash
Genre: Young Adult: Contemporary Romance, Teen
Format: eBook for Review
Buy: Amazon | Barnes and Noble

Jason just wants a date with Harley.
Harley just wants a date with Trent.
Trent's still getting over Stephanie.

When Harley and Jason decide to fake date, they uncover a school of deceptions. Trent's got a secret, but so does Jason. And the more time Harley spends secretly kissing her fake boyfriend, the further she gets from her dreams with Trent.

Worst of all, Harley's mom is getting cozy with her hot massage therapy student, and even Harley's Reverend Dad can't fake not being bothered by it. But when the masks finally come off, can everyone handle the real truth?

The Truth About Faking (TTAF as we call it on social networks) is one of those books I'll read as an eBook and then get the paperback just to show it off on my shelf and to fellow readers. It's a fluffy and a cute book for teenage girls or girls in general. I know for sure some moms would like this.

The book starts with Harley thrown in an accident where she meets a new addition to the town, Jason. He's cute and accurately described as 'hot' throughout the entire book. And when Harley gets home she's on the phone with her best friend, plotting how to get another guy from school, Trent, to ask her out. I found their plan to get Trent cute and funny. It made me think about what I would do to get a guy to ask me out. Anyways, things happen, Jason interferes and ruins Harley's chances with Trent and now Jason and Harley have to fake date to make Trent realize he wants her. I know, its a typical highschool move but it was so fun to read.

Some characters were great and fun to read about, like Jason and Ricky, while the rest were just infuriating! I didn't like Shelly (Harley's best friend) much. She is so oblivious to Harley's feelings sometimes that she doesn't realize she's hurting her. Best friends are supposed to be attentive towards each other. Well, I'm just glad she stopped being infuriating towards the end. I also didn't like that woman who hates Harley's mom and constantly finds a way to ruin everything for her, just because of a job her husband didn't get. Childish much?

I enjoyed reading about Harley, her life, her struggles, etc. Moore wrote a great character all girls can connect and relate to. I felt Harley's pain and happiness throughout the entire book and that connection just kept me reading all the way to the end.

The best part of the book is the messages that it holds. The book had many messages, all telling you things like 'not to judge without knowing the whole story', 'somethings are really not what it seems', and my favorites would be : 'If you want something, get it. There's no point in wasting time pondering the what if's'. There are many more in the story but I'll let you guys figure them out yourselves.

The Truth about Faking is a wonderful, fluffy, fun, and page-turning romance that'll make you squeal, laugh, smile, frown, cry and most of all, it'll make you turn those pages faster because it's just that good. Leigh Talbert Moore you are an awesome author! Don't stop writing! :)



  1. Thanks, Naj! I'm so glad you liked my book, and I love your review! Best, <3

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