
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Teaser Tuesday #12

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading, wherein we share teasers (not spoilers) from the books we're currently reading.

Teaser:  ""I trust him" I answered simply. "Bones wouldn't say it unless he was sure, and that's enough for me"" - Page 205
Comments: Sigh! I want to finish this book already. Since Uni's close to exam week I've only been able to read like a book a week and now, I am determined to finish this book during the weekend this week so I won't have to bother with a book during exam week. Oh argh. Finals are coming up too. -.- We'll be even more busy with all the competitions and crap our teachers are signing us up for. -.- 
By the way, I am so in love with Bones! He is just *swoons*.

Whats on your Teaser Tuesday this week? Let me know!


  1. Great teaser !! Good luck with your exams .. Mine are in April so I still have some time to read =) !!
    Looking forward to read your review !!

  2. great teaser! i really need to read about this bones character everyone keeps talking about him! I need a good paranormal romance. Sucks about exams! This my spring break week and the first 2 days I come back to school I have 3 exams. I wish you well on all your school work!

  3. Great teaser. Love this series. And good luck with your exams!!

  4. Oh this is another series I want to get into. :) I've heard so many great things about these books. Do hope you are enjoying. :)


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