
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Status: April 2011

My Monthly Status

  • Books Read: 7
Books I've read this March are as follows: 
  1. Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of Dawn Treader by C.S.Lewis
  2. Iron Witch (Iron Witch #1) by Karen Mahoney (Review will be posted on Melissa's blog at I swim for oceans
  3. The Lunatic Cafe (Anita Blake #4) by Laurell K. Hamilton
  4. Firespell (Dark Elite #1) by Chloe Neill
  5. Griffin Rising by Darby Karchut
  6. Matched (Matched #1) by Ally Condie
  7. Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy #1) by Kiersten White
Other Reviews:
Favorite Book of the Month: 


Challenge Update: 

  • YA Reading Challenge - 21 / 40 (52%)
  • 350 Paged Book Challenge - 15 / 15 (100%)
  • 100+ Reading Challenge - 32/ 100 (32%)
  • Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge - 32 / 60 (53%)
  • 2011 Debut Author Challenge - 3 / 12 (25%)
  • Wordsworth Classics Reading Challenge - 1 / 12 (8.33%) 
  • YA Series Challenge - 10/ 12 (83%)
  • NEW! 2011 Page to Screen Reading Challenge - 0 / 5 (0%)
  1. NEW LAYOUT! I finally created a proper Layout for my blog with a matching button.
  2. NEW BLOG! My design blog is up and running on blogger. Visit it to get free design work done.
  3. I was interviewed for my work @ Assortments.
  4. NEW FEATURE! Its called Re-Cover Me Friday which runs once every other week. Check out what I've Recovered so far, includes Awakened by The Casts and Vampire Academy. HERE
  5. I've completed the 350 page challenge. I'll still keep going until the end of the year though.
Book News:
Looking for giveaways? 

T-T Dang. I was too distracted by certain situations in my life that I haven't been reading at all. Sigh. So depressing. May will be different! I know it will. Oh I was approached by an author to do their books Cover Design. So I'm very excited about it. I'll be reviewing some of his books and Re-Covering them too. :D So What out for that!



  1. YaY 7 books is pretty good :)
    And some really awesome books you got there.
    I loved Matched :P
    And think I will love Paranormalcy as well :P Though I haven`t read it yet xD

    Firespell also looks interesting, love the cover :)

    And congratulations with the completed challenge :)

  2. Awesome month!! You have been busy. Can't wait to see more Cover Reveals!! And you have read some pretty awesome books, a bunch I still need to read. ANd your new design is awesome!!

  3. Great you read so many books. I didn't like Matched that much, but am going to read its sequel. I really really need to read Paranormalcy, because it sounds so good!


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