
Monday, January 9, 2012

Blog Tour: Review: The Girl in the Box by Sheila Dalton

Today is the start of The Girl in the Box Blog Tour! This is a literary fiction so not many of you may be interested. But this was an excellent book. Read on!

Title: The Girl in the Box
Author: Sheila Dalton
Started: 22/12/11
Finished: 23/12/11
Buy: Amazon / Amazon 2


Caitlin Shaughnessy, a Canadian journalist, discovers that Inez, a traumatized young Mayan woman originally from Guatemala, has killed Caitlin's psychoanalyst partner, Dr. Jerry Simpson. Simpson brought the girl, who may be autistic, back to Canada as an act of mercy and to attempt to treat her obvious trauma. Cailin desperately needs to find out why this terrible incident occurred so she can find the strength to forgive and move on with her life. 

Inez, whose sense of wonder and innocence touches all who meet her, becomes a focal point for many of the Canadians who encounter her. As Caitlin struggles to uncover the truth about Inez's relationship with Jerry, Inez struggles to break free of the projections of others. Each must confront her own anger and despair. The doctors in the north have an iciness that matches their surroundings, a kind of clinical armour that Caitlin must penetrate if she is to reach Inez. 

The Girl in the Box is a psychological drama of the highest order and a gripping tale of intrigue and passion.

The Girl in the Box follows the story about Jerry Simpson, a Canadian psychoanalyst on vacation in Guatemala. He rescues Inez, a young Mayan girl who was chained and locked up in a windowless shed by her parents because they believed there was an animal in her. 

As a paranormal reader, I usually don’t read these types of literary psychological novels. And the biggest surprise is. I liked it. The novel was researched and written beautifully. It was somewhat dark, very realistic and definitely movie dram potential. It was written in different point of views, mostly focusing on Caitlin Shaughnessy, a Canadian journalist and life partner of Jerry. 

Inez is mute, possibly autistic, and has murdered Jerry, and Caitlin does everything in her power to find out what really happened and in the process writes a book about it. The Girl in the Box follows leads of many different types of people that I found amazingly well written and narrated. 

Dalton is an amazing writer with skills way beyond any other author I have read and The Girl in the Box is a perfect specimen to showcase her epic skills that left me enlightened. This is definitely a read for the fiction lovers but not for the paranormal young adult readers.

NEXT STOP: Beyond Words Blog 



  1. Thank you so much for hosting my blog tour, Naj, and for this great review. I'm so happy you liked my book.

  2. You do great work, Ms. Dalton. Have a wonderful tour - see you at Word! from Cyber-Chicago.

    Best to you always,


  3. Thank you, Suki. Same to you for The Apocalypse Gene. Thanks for hosting me on your blog, coming up soon.


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