
Sunday, January 8, 2012

In My Mailbox #36 (Autographed Books! Yay!)

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post all books we have received where in the mail, bought or got from the library.

I bought:

I went out to a sale bazaar yesterday morning and to my surprise I found 2 books from the Luxe series for like .500 fils which is equivalent to a dollar and a half. :D Wonderful bargain! I still need to get the second book though. O.O

Luxe (Luxe #1) by Anna Godbersen
Envy (Luxe #2) by Anna Godbersen

I won:

This is a fab way to end the year. :D I won a bag, swag and an autographed book from Dani Harper which I won from the Ambers over at the AwesomeSauce BookClub (They're amazing! Go check them out)! Its supeeer awesome! I'm soooo happy!

Changeling Dream by Dani Harper

What did you guys get? 



  1. Ooh, Luxe and Envy both look excellent so I hope you enjoy them. Happy reading! :)

  2. The Luxe series is one of my favorites. Something about all the descriptions of the dresses, food, and dancing -- along with a good story. Hope you enjoy them! Thanks for visiting.

  3. Great mailbox! I love the covers of those Godbersen books. I just got Changeling Moon for my Kindle. I envy your swag and autograph. Have a great reading week!

  4. Envy has a beautiful cover and what a bargain! I really want to read it. Those autographed books look great, too. I hope that you enjoy them!

    Here's my IMM post!

  5. Yay for signed books, those are always the best!

    I did like the Luxe series overall, book three was my favorite though. :)

    I hope you enjoy everything you got!

    Happy reading!

  6. Oh, I adore that tote bag! I have such a collection of book related bags - I love them! congrats on teh win - and the bargain finding! :)

  7. Love your blog name....nice mailbox.

    If you need another book, try my giveaway. :)

    Book Giveaway on my blog….THE WICKED WIVES.

    Stop by and complete the entry form if you like.

  8. Great books Naj :) !!
    Congrats on your win, this looks awesome !! I hope you'll enjoy all of these books ;)


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