Saturday, May 28, 2011

Review: Acadia, Book 1: The Goddess of Time and The Lost King by Ali Naqvi

Title: Acadia, Book I: The Lost King and the Goddess of Time (The Second Great War Trilogy)

Author: Ali M. Naqvi
Started: 08/5/11
Finished: 28/5/11
Goodreads | Review List
Acadia reminded me so much of the Lord of the Rings but still held its own uniqueness and originality. Naqvi managed to write beautifully and create such a magnificent world. If you liked the Lord of the Rings trilogy you will enjoy this book entirely.

It was adventurous and exciting. Maybe not in the beginning but as the pages kept on turning so did the story. Some bits and twists were predictable but besides that every part was written rather poetically. Naqvi has talent and I'm sure with each book of this trilogy it will get better!

I really enjoyed reading about Damont's journey to find out who he really is. I felt a real connection to him and his Uncle Julian. But there were some characters in the story that have me skeptical about their friendship (Maybe its just paranoia). Yep, I'm talking about the bad guys. They'll totally annoy me in this one specially the "real big bad guy" at the end. He's a lot more playful and cynical. I guess he likes to play with his food before eating it. If you know what I mean.

Overall, the characters were all carefully written and the story was awesomely planned. But the genre isn't for me. But for those who like to try different things and who loved the LOTR Trilogy you should pick up this book. 4/5 stars


So I was reading this on the iPad and everyone kept on taking the iPad from me because you know. Its not my iPad. Its "our family's" iPad. So there's 4 of us using it. Anyways, my point is. I'm not comfortable reading E-books on E-readers and I took almost more than 2 weeks to finish this book because of it. I think I'd rather read them all on my Adobe Reader on my Macbook. I read faster that way. Plus, I really get into the story without any distractions! I'm glad I finished another book this month. I thought I'd be stuck with just 2 this month. I'm such a disgrace in the book blogging community.

I'd like to thank Ali for allowing me to review his book. I enjoyed it and my venture onto this genre.

Where to find him?



  1. Thanks for the great review Naj =) !! I'm glad you liked this one. To be honest, I hadn't heard of it until you said you were reading it !
    I know what you mean .. I couldn't read on an iPad, or on anything else than the book itself for that matter .. Reading on a screen is just something that I don't enjoy doing =( !

  2. I've been reading this one. I found the beginning is hard to get into, but I'm glad to hear the excitement and action picks up.

    I have an iPad that bceame the family iPad, and now it's my son's iPad. I solved the problem by getting an eReader. That is just mine.


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